(Alternatives) how to boot Aspire 7 A715-71G?

Noms Member Posts: 5 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hello there,

I have had some problems with my Aspire 7 A715-71G laptop recently. It all originated the moment i spilled some coffee on the right side of the keyboard. Having no experience with this accident I did not immediately act in the ideal manner. I turned the laptop off but did not took the battery out at that time and i let it to dry for a few hours upside down. After I got some information by researching i took out the battery aswell but checked way to early after that if all was well.

So a couple hours after the accident it first looked like there was no urgent problems and it all seems to work okay aside from some buttons on the right side of the keyboard were sticky and some were not functioning. The power button was working aswell at the time so i could turn the laptop on and off at the moment and just browse internet and manouvre through windows and programs. 

Now comes the more problematic side. The day after the power button is not functioning anymore so I can not start my laptop anymore. However when I plugged the power cable in it seems liked there was no problems with charging or have other errors noticable from the lights. I Tried to see if there was dust mixed with dryed cofee spills below the keys that I could manually clean but that was not helping. After that I brought the laptop to a local repair shop and they adviced me to replace the keyboard including the top.

A few weeks later when the part arrived, according to the dude at the shop there was no visible moisture damage from the spills, if that is the correct word to use in english. The keyboard was set in place by him and unfortunately the power button dit not function and gave no connection to (the switch) to power on the laptop. After that he tried to look to boot the laptop in  another manner but he told me he was nog adequatly equiped or has the knowledge about the hardware and the layout of this Acer series(version) sp I have to take it to someone else who has more experience with the Acer Aspire 7 series or to the manufracterer.

Now i am in the situation that I am looking for information and ways to solve this problem and to get the power button working or boot the laptop alternatively. The hardware layout of the motherboard and the power switch/pins seems different from previous Acer laptops and is more complex to find solutions for this on my own.

That is why I come to you noble computer wizards and seek for help. 

Anyone that can help me on finding new information or alternatives to get me and my laptop one again will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    If the coffee was mixed with sugar/milk/cream, this will likely cause other issues especially in high humidity conditions since sugar is hygroscopic. First make sure the safety switch didn't get wet. The switch must be pressed by the bottom cover when properly affixed with screws in order to maintain power the mainboard. All accessible ribbon cables should be at least reseated a few times to clean their contacts. There should also be a separate power button board that attaches to the mainboard with a ribbon cable. If this was anywhere near the spill, it may have to be replaced. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Noms
    Noms Member Posts: 5 New User
    Thank you for the swift reply Jack. I will hopefully find the time to check this out on the upcoming weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • Noms
    Noms Member Posts: 5 New User
    Okay so probably redundant information but I have added a couple images from my motherboard and power button board and more specific of the SW2 switch.

    To me it doesn't seem like the SW2 switch has any damage of getting wet or else, the spill was not around there aswell(see the overview picture, the blue elipse gives the location of the spill)

    Altough it looks like there is some leftovers of the spillage if you look at the power board(see the second close up of the power board). This is also where the spill occured on the table, on the side of the power board near the fans and below the num keys. 

    Is there anyway to manually boot via the motherboard or any other way? Also if you look at the other picture, when the power is plugged it seems as the battery is getting charged and the blue light keeps on. Does that give any clue to how the power board is functioning?

    On to the next step, thanks in advance.

    I have put the images in URL links as to not fluid the thread with pictures.


    Other images:
    Charging, battery light

    Overview middle of the motherboard

    Other side of the motherboard, also the other side to where the spill happened
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    I can see the USB board but not the power button itself. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Noms
    Noms Member Posts: 5 New User
    The tech guy at the shop said something about the power switch or button not being as easy to trigger on this motherboard then other motherboards he has worked on before. Any idea where the power button itself could be?
  • Noms
    Noms Member Posts: 5 New User
    Here is a clearer picture of the motherboard type i could find online(not taken from my motherboard):

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    The power button should be directly under and in line with the plastic power button key cover when assembled. The button itself is 1/8" diameter black spring loaded switch that should slightly click when depressed. It is NOT a simple two terminal on-off switch that can be easily bypassed without risking major mainboard damage. It or the board it's soldered to should be replaced especially if the coffee was sugared. Look for any identifying part id numbers/characters printed on the board or switch or even the mainboard itself since the specsheet doesn't list these discrete part numbers. They are common electronic PCB switches that usually can be purchased at discrete component distributors like  DigiKey or Mouser. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ