So i have a question.... Why. Dear ACER, are you doing this to us, traumatizing us with DTS?

Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
So i have these quesitons, i just bought a Acer Nitro 5 AN-517-52 and its pretty expensive and the reason i took it was because i wanted the best i could get, did i get the best i can get? No way.
One first it cant play HDR and it cant play WCG apps nor any HDR Games either and Considering its a TOP OF THE LINE Acer Gaming laptop with 32 GB in RAM and RTX 2060 (which is also a disapointment now as i know more than when i was ignorant and bought this thinking im getting the Sh** right here, i was Semi-right. ) 17" screen, . RTX 2060 is like Nvidias bottomline bottom trawler hardly a top of the line. all plastic an other thing but i could have lived with that if all elste was tip top, well its not and here Goes.

Why the... (i wanted to Emphasize it with a ****, but chose not to, anyway im kind of Screaming it in my head, so now you can figure it out, the only word that fills in the "blank" on outrgous stuff, like this..)
Why does Acer put even Anything from this lousy company called DTS. I think it worked the firts five minutes since than and unnumerous uninstalls and reinstalls no change, I started searhing Oh My God its complete carnage out there as far as DTS go to Any support forum and youll see pages upon pages listing upn down for just Eever, ad nauseum. TTen just look at how many DTS related supports errands there are just for  Acer customer, people ask and they ask but they Never Ever gets a Straight "this is how to resolve it answer" They get wha people always get when support guys dont have a clue... "Try unsintalling it and Reinstalling it, and come back if there is still an issue." I think the guy is still there.
Why DOES Acer put this barf soup in my top of the line gaming laptop that Really really need great sounds. Why does Acer put it into Anytinng other than a garbage continer, surely the container would malfuntion as well. No but this is as annoying as it is dissapointing, how you know something is really bad is when the samme issues that were present in previous product are in the latest. The prevous product named DTS AUDIO somthing had the same issue. The main culprit here is the so called DTS:Ultra, kind of fitting as Ultra means Sub something) When you put in the Speakers it says intelligenlty Please put in some speakers to enjoy DTS Ultra.. When you put in head phones no mater bluetooth or cable, sam thing. Please put in your headphones to Enjoy DTS Ultra.

I didnt buy a lap top top of the line so could do Ones job , ive sat hours up and hours down and wasted real good leisure time, Just because Acer put DTS into my top of the line gaming lap top that was deerly charges for. Those guys at DTS they havnt changes a darn thing on Ultra than on the previous something else called product that worked kind of identical, they just ride the "Rebrand train in a merry go round, to all pc manufacturer´s. Selling the ***** pig twice. Im actually even convinced that they cant program well over att DTS, smeone there stumbled over an algorithm way back and things probably been the same as ever. If they Were Really Good then surely they should have resolved it wayy back.I mean isnt this what is supposedly brain child DIgital AUdio? Well hey this brain child wears no clothes, he says he is the Emperors Son (the story of the emperors New Clothes saga).
Then we have the other DTS app DTS Unbound, im pretty sure that they do have a guy that just come up wth coolio sounding bad dude names, thats what keeps it afloat "get that pig out on a sell run".
That App i can almost swear on it does not Do Aaaanything at all. Its not like a religous expiriance or even a fall of the chair expirance, its a..its a... hey did that sound actually improve. Its done Virtually in your head perhaps, but thats not tech developement thats just being mentally unstable.

Acer has a huge reponsibilty towards Us especially Loyal customers, we dont need this, i cant put my buttermilk inside the Nitro 5 for warming, comming back to Acer saying that the buttemilk heater works great but its dispoiting that the computer isnt, theyd call a psych ward for me for express pick- up. Eqully irrational is it for Acer to continue with DTS unless a ground up remake is done . Acer should not put DTS inside Acer, DTS not only sounds like a STD , it Also sounds like a STD meaning it doesnt work and neither would an STD work to sound much, so it i guess it figures somehow...

Okej okej you get the point and i Shall stop Rambling.

The issue is not why does DTS products not work, well thats how they are built, son. Its why does Acer and ASUS for that matter get hoodwinked by this company only for US yes WE pay for it, and Acer wants us to continue buying, then dont put it there please. and Acer shoiuld Either A. Come out and say Hey we seriously messed up putting this in there. Or B. take the corporate Jet and fly to DTS with pistols under the cheek tell them to FIX-IT. Preferebly both but B would be my prefered chioce. I have bought many Acer computers in my life and thats hwy i went Acer Again. I will however Never Ever Again buy ANything that say neither Acer if it has something named DTS in it and supposedly be a value addition, ill know its not.

aahhh... :D i feel kind of good, how unusal, This it the most productive Hour ive spent on DTS issues, and it probably wont be productive either maybe even a waste of time. But thats Still a huge improvement on DTS. Me even leavin a serriously unsolved DTS issue behind nt the unresolved (as is normal) and even Feeeling Good, well that just unheard of....

Thank you (unsure for what though but its polite)  / Ansu Aronsson

Best Answer

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    >>>i just bought a Acer Nitro 5 AN-517-52>>>

    Immediately return the machine to the vendor/seller as not meeting your expectations for a refund or exchange before the vendor's returns policy period expires. Usually only a few weeks. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    >>>i just bought a Acer Nitro 5 AN-517-52>>>

    Immediately return the machine to the vendor/seller as not meeting your expectations for a refund or exchange before the vendor's returns policy period expires. Usually only a few weeks. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    Honestly 2 months have passed. Had i known from the beginning what  aheadache it would be id probably choosen diffrently, Everything else is working tip top, and i guess life florished before DTS as well so i ought to survive and there is nothing wrong with the hardware at all just DTS software.  I guess im just very disapointed as its such an obvioius problem that someone should have known better and something SHould have been done about it , especially relesaing the newer modells. It really should hav been dealt with seriously, not lets just pretent it doenst exist. You work with support it fal on your head to perhaps even more than mine. How many times have you had to try to help out with a DTS issue? Im guessing its a many of them were even solvable? Not many i guess as there wowuld be a established solution then. WHich i dont think it is....right?

    What im thinking is putting in a soundblaster sound card which opens up to much wider range of sound options. Dont know if it will fit though, would you know anything about that? or heard anyone making duch a switch or upgrade?  You might even have a reccomendation?
     But now im realizing that,  how about the sound in sound out ports. I dont want to see myself sitting and soldering inside my Acer. Maybe there is standard cabling id assume would come with the sound card, right?

    Anyway have a good night!
  • Joe9844
    Joe9844 Member Posts: 580 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    It's called physics. Laptops got smaller and thinner. Thus the speakers got smaller and thinner. Thus laptops need DTS and other audio "enhancements" to make audio acceptable.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    This is arguably one of the best. But it's external. Not much room inside laptops.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    JackE said:
    This is arguably one of the best. But it's external. Not much room inside laptops.  Jack E/NJ

    Hi JackE!
    Yes thats indeed the way to go....thanks for that!!

    Best / Ansu
  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    Joe9844 said:
    It's called physics. Laptops got smaller and thinner. Thus the speakers got smaller and thinner. Thus laptops need DTS and other audio "enhancements" to make audio acceptable.
    Its Physics you say and speakers and laptops got smaller and smaller..... Huh...!? So do you mean that they whole issue comes becuse of laws of Physics combined with that lap tops got smaller and smaller making it practically Impossible to fit a desktop DTS speaker inside a laptop, how could they, right? thats what you think i was writing about?!?
  • Joe9844
    Joe9844 Member Posts: 580 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    What I means is that the speakers got so small that they can't get decent sound straight up. So they use software enhancements to hide the flaws of small speakers.
  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    Joe9844 said:
    It's called physics. Laptops got smaller and thinner. Thus the speakers got smaller and thinner. Thus laptops need DTS and other audio "enhancements" to make audio acceptable.

    Hi Joe9844, 
    please scratch my prevous answer, it wasnt very nice and you are trying to help out. :o) i was writing about how the DTS software, drivers and Consoll, that comes part of the newer Nitros. They , at least the DTS Ultra which if it worked would be one of the most usefull softwares on  gaming lap top, is malfunctioning consistanty, it seems it doesnt just work, not just for Me but for almost Everyone, and has more bugs than a Kharachi junkyard dog has. ANd its not affecting only Acer also Asus are suffering the same. The big diffrence being that ASUS actually tries to come up with solutions to the problem as from Acer is just silence, cant even hear the wind of change blowing. but maybe it is who knows? I sure dont.. But Right now its the status of the opposite of blows starts with an S. So there you have it. Thats what i was writing about so i think you might have missunderstood the narrative. But then again im not Always the Best to voice issues of this charachter...I know some moderators sure think so ;o)

    Thanks for trying to help out though :)

    Best / Ansu
  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    What I means is that the speakers got so small that they can't get decent sound straight up. So they use software enhancements to hide the flaws of small speakers.
    Hi Joe9Joe,
    Ok isee what you mean now, that makes sense and could be a big advantage for the customers as the cost per unit goes down drastically. But its evident that the price per unit is not the only thing to dropped drastically but their reliability and usefulness as a trustworthy company´, goodwill and reputation Its tragic as its the customers that has tio bill it eventually, So do you think that them not being a software company from the beginning  as they what it seems from you you say they had to resettle to becoming maybe mostly a software. They might not have had the required skills and know how in development and running very strict project management for software develop ment: Who knows ey'' They might even e the last to know amd youd never get an hoest answer no mattar how one asked them. Id bet.
  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    Ansu said:
    So i have these quesitons, i just bought a Acer Nitro 5 AN-517-52 and its pretty expensive and the reason i took it was because i wanted the best i could get, did i get the best i can get? No way.
    One first it cant play HDR and it cant play WCG apps nor any HDR Games either and Considering its a TOP OF THE LINE Acer Gaming laptop with 32 GB in RAM and RTX 2060 (which is also a disapointment now as i know more than when i was ignorant and bought this thinking im getting the Sh** right here, i was Semi-right. ) 17" screen, . 

    Why does Acer install software like DTS:Ultra or put even Anything from this lousy company called DTS inside our nice computers? I think it worked the firts five minutes since than and unnumerous uninstalls and reinstalls no change, I started searhing Oh My God its complete carnage out there as far as DTS goes, go to Any support forum and youll see pages upon pages listing upn down for just Eever, ad nauseum.

    Then just look at how many DTS related supports errands there are just for  Acer customer, people ask and they ask but they Never Ever gets a Straight "this is how to resolve it answer". They get what people always get when support guys dont have a clue... "Try uninstalling it and then Reinstalling it, and come back if there is still an issue."

    Why DOES Acer put this barf soup in my top of the line Acer gaming laptop?
    It craches for basically EVERYONE trying it, that HAS to Be some astonishing numbers. Ive read A LOT of comments on the Acer Nitros and i cant remember even reading ONE post about someone whos using DTS Ultra flawessly; Does Acer not have a customer Relations Department?? They have ought to pick this upp since Looong, if they have Any radar?

    No but this is as annoying as it is dissapointing, how you know something is really bad is when the samme issues that were present in previous product modells is seriously malfunctioing are Still brought over to the latest moddels. The prevous product named DTS AUDIO somthing had the same issue. The main culprit here is the so called DTS:Ultra, kind of fitting as Ultra means Sub something) When you put in the Speakers it says intelligenlty Please put in some speakers to enjoy DTS Ultra.. When you put in head phones no mater bluetooth or cable, sam thing. Please put in your headphones to Enjoy DTS Ultra.

    I didnt buy a lap top top of top line so could do someone elses job , ive sat hours up and hours down and wasted real good leisure time, Just because Acer put DTS into my top of the line gaming lap top that was deerly charges for. If you market the Nitro 5 Those guys at DTS they havnt changes a darn thing on Ultra than on the previous something else called product that worked kind of identical, they just ride the "Rebrand train in a merry go round, to all pc manufacturer´s. Selling the ***** pig twice. Im actually even convinced that they cant program well over att DTS, smeone there stumbled over an algorithm way back and things probably been the same as ever. If they Were Really Good then surely they should have resolved it wayy back.I mean isnt this what is supposedly brain child DIgital AUdio? Well hey this brain child wears no clothes, he says he is the Emperors Son (the story of the emperors New Clothes saga).
    Then we have the other DTS app DTS Unbound, im pretty sure that they do have a guy that just come up wth coolio sounding bad dude names, thats what keeps it afloat "get that pig out on a sell run".
    That App i can almost swear on it does not Do Aaaanything at all. Its not like a religous expiriance or even a fall of the chair expirance, its a..its a... hey did that sound actually improve. Its done Virtually in your head perhaps, but thats not tech developement thats just being mentally unstable.

    Acer has a huge reponsibilty towards Us especially Loyal customers, we dont need this, i cant put my buttermilk inside the Nitro 5 for warming, comming back to Acer saying that the buttemilk heater works great but its dispoiting that the computer isnt, theyd call a psych ward for me for express pick- up. Eqully irrational is it for Acer to continue with DTS unless a ground up remake is done . Acer should not put DTS inside Acer, DTS not only sounds like a STD , it Also sounds like a STD meaning it doesnt work and neither would an STD work to sound much, so it i guess it figures somehow...

    Okej okej you get the point and i Shall stop Rambling.

    The issue is not why does DTS products not work, well thats how they are built, son. Its why does Acer and ASUS for that matter get hoodwinked by this company only for US yes WE pay for it, and Acer wants us to continue buying, then dont put it there please. and Acer shoiuld Either A. Come out and say Hey we seriously messed up putting this in there. Or B. take the corporate Jet and fly to DTS with pistols under the cheek tell them to FIX-IT. Preferebly both but B would be my prefered chioce. I have bought many Acer computers in my life and thats hwy i went Acer Again. I will however Never Ever Again buy ANything that say neither Acer if it has something named DTS in it and supposedly be a value addition, ill know its not.

    aahhh... :D i feel kind of good, how unusal, This it the most productive Hour ive spent on DTS issues, and it probably wont be productive either maybe even a waste of time. But thats Still a huge improvement on DTS. Me even leavin a serriously unsolved DTS issue behind nt the unresolved (as is normal) and even Feeeling Good, well that just unheard of....

    Thank you (unsure for what though but its polite)  / Ansu Aronsson

    So..Hi Moderators...
    So is this section of the forum about support and getting help?
    Or did i post it in the wrong product segment?
     I'm not sure if you need more information on my complaint and questions can be processed, But i see no reason for it, is there?

    Moderators, are you kind of the official support guys n gals? Im trying to get help with something i have a serious problem with, and some sort of attention towards helping to get it solved would be great. Its not like ive been too wague what the problem is its it?

    I also just saw that it was flagged as Solved. How did that happen? its not at all true. All ive done was to give a "like/thumb up" to Joe9844. I hope Not that its like if you give someone a thumbs up that you whole problem is considered solved?

    SO if you could active the questions again so i can get some good advices hopefully, thanks! So here are basically the most imporant questions:

    If you should not know the answer then maybe you can still make some enquirees, i am sure you hace backchannels into Acer that we could never access.
    A. let me/us know now what Acers stance on this is, how do they in their might of knowledge advice us or at lest me Joe Simpleton to proceed as far as the two DTS programs goes?
    B. Tell us about the solution that someone must be the possessor of. Even if it means compensating us or just fixing the actual problem?

    A or B would suffice. But say Something please...But please give some valid input on this, we have actually Bought these for hard earned money! Had i bought a Chineese Xiaome then it would have made logical sense, but not when i buy an Acer or Asus...So i bought an Acer due to having one which has served me unbelivalby well and still works flawlessly even though its an Aspire with a i5 from 2011. After being convinced the AN517-52 it a flewless product by Acer, which it Almost is if it wernt for the DTS apps.

    Best regards,
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    >>>I also just saw that it was flagged as Solved. How did that happen? its not at all true.>>>

    Sorry this is primarily an ACER users forum. Users just like you trying to help other users. Moderators might step in from time to time but usually infrequently. We are not ACER employees, ACER representatives or ACER software/hardware designers,  You are obviously not happy with this machine so my recommendation still stands. Immediately return the machine to the vendor/seller as not meeting your expectations for a refund or exchange before the vendor's returns policy period expires. Usually only a few weeks. You may also send a PM to ACER moderators such as @Acer-Jose or @Acer-Manny to request that the solution flags be withdrawn. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Ansu
    Ansu Member Posts: 20 Networker
    JackE said:
    >>>I also just saw that it was flagged as Solved. How did that happen? its not at all true.>>>

    Sorry this is primarily an ACER users forum. Users just like you trying to help other users. Moderators might step in from time to time but usually infrequently. We are not ACER employees, ACER representatives or ACER software/hardware designers,  You are obviously not happy with this machine so my recommendation still stands. Immediately return the machine to the vendor/seller as not meeting your expectations for a refund or exchange before the vendor's returns policy period expires. Usually only a few weeks. You may also send a PM to ACER moderators such as @Acer-Jose or @Acer-Manny to request that the solution flags be withdrawn. Jack E/NJ

    Ok, i understand. Thanks for explaining. Do you then perhaps have a reccomentation where to turn?
    Someone here might even have a suggestion?
    As for your suggestion; i Really like the laptop and have no issue with it, except for the DTS two softwares, the solution is not to return it, the solution must be that either they say that this is indeed a hopeless case? Or a solution, which might might very well be to uninstall and move on.
    Still though the site is under the Acer flag and brand so they should very much have someone checking in here to deal with big volume issues , there are EIGHT full pages of Only DTS products intstalled by Acer.
    Add to that all who have not reported their problem which are probalby even far more. Im just flabberghasted how they can not react to and ongoing issue Le Grande. But just keep churning 
    then out, this has been going on back to 2017, thats like Six Years with a serious flaw on fast copy/repeat.
    I read yesterday about Apples BEATS company who had just One user that were unhappy enough to get a few other along and they sued them. Finally BEATS went for a  settlement, which is going to cost them 9Million USD. For what? not taking care of some very easily solved customer issues. Aaanywayy.... 

    I appreciate your reply though.

    Thanks /Ansu
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Maybe someone will respond.

    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ