Fine Tune Mousepad on Helios 300 PH 315-53 N20C3

tigrisan Member Posts: 10


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Is there any additional mousepad/touchpad settings beside the most basic settings when you right click on the mouse/touchpad and choose properties? I'm trying to fix the sensitivity on the touchpad so the mouse doesn't go flying all over the screen when my hand is over the touchpad typing, but I can't find any additional settings other than Buttons, Pointers etc in the properties. It's an Elan driver, but there's no Elan settings unless there's an app and I've missed it. It certainly isn't on this laptop. 

I also can't adjust the settings on the mousepad for firm or light touch. The only thing I can find is the One-click or Two-click in the folder view to open something. 

I'm very happy with the performance of this laptop. I'm not a 'gamer' though I do play games. Just not the RPG this one is geared toward. But it would be nice if I could adjust some things on it so it worked better for other things as well like documents etc.

Thank you!

Thread was edited to add model name to the title


  • Hi,
    Click Window icon in the far left corner and click Settings, click Devices tile, click Touchpad in the left pane and select the sensitivity level with the dropdown arrow.

  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    Click Window icon in the far left corner and click Settings, click Devices tile, click Touchpad in the left pane and select the sensitivity level with the dropdown arrow.

    Thank you. I did do that, but it doesn't seem to help the cursor wandering around the screen while I'm typing. I know this is a gaming laptop and not a productivity laptop, but having a better ability to adjust the settings would be a wonderful thing. I was hoping I could find or download an Elan control panel of some type. I had a Synaptics on my Toshiba and I had a full control panel and could fine tune every little thing for the mouse and touchpad. Guess it's just something I'll have to get used to. Thank you again.
  • Hi,
    What's the actual model name? like PH3xx-xx, anyway, go to BIOS screen and move to Main tab, check whether the Touchpad is in Advanced mode, if not switch from Basic to Advanced mode.

  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    It's a Predator PH315-53.
    Is there any way to open the BIOS without restarting? I can't imagine they've come far enough to do that, but it sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Just a pain for me. While I'm usually kick-*****$ at the computer, I hate being in the BIOS> Maybe because in years past, it was so, so very easy to screw it  up. But I'll check it. Thank you.
  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    What's the actual model name? like PH3xx-xx, anyway, go to BIOS screen and move to Main tab, check whether the Touchpad is in Advanced mode, if not switch from Basic to Advanced mode.

    Yes, I don't have that. This is a Predator. It has its own branded BIOS apparently and the touchpad isn't even listed. It's not the normal BIOS screen. Thank you for your help. I think I'll have to learn to live with it, but it would have been nice to know. :/
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    We need actual model name to find out the details of your laptop, you can check the model name at the bottom of your laptop, there should be a label stating the model name and Manufacturing date, it may read like PH3xx-xx.
  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    Predator Helios PH 315-53 N20C3. When I go into the BIOS, it appears as a more sophisticated version of Predator Sense. Same graphics that the Sense app has. Frankly, it was a surprise to see. But there is no touchpad on the list. I did some research and have all of the items in the Device Manager that it was suggested  to check for in other threads, they're all UTD and working properly but I'll try to get a picture of what the BIOS looks like here in just a minute. 
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Go to Acer support site, download Intel Serial IO driver(version 30.100.1915.1) and install it and see whether it fixes the problem.
  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    Okay, I have pictures:
    Initial BIOS 
    Advanced Settings screen: 
    Main Options screen:

    Scrolling down that main options screen, it has a button to turn the touchpad on and off, that's it. So there you have it. Weirdest BIOS I've ever seen and I certainly didn't expect it. And I don't know how to change it to a 'normal' BIOS screen. Like I said, I'm less comfortable in the BIOS because of problems in the past :/  If you have instructions that will get me into a 'normal' BIOS screen, I'm happy to try them since I would hope you would know what you're doing :) With this screen, I just don't.
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Please try the method to reinstall Serial IO driver in my previous post, you have the modern GUI for BIOS, so no need to change it, in fact you can not change it, if the Serial IO driver reinstallation doesn't help,  go to Device Manager, expand Human Interface devices, expand Mice and other pointing devices, post the snip of it please, like mine.

  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    I have a couple more things listed than you and now, I can't post any pictures. 
    Never mind, I had to insert it rather than copy and paste like before. I have to leave shortly so I'll have to explore this further later today. I'm about at the point where I'll learn to live with it. Wish there was an Elan control panel like I mentioned, that would give me more control than the Windows stuff does. Then again half of the Windows drivers are still from 2006 so what can one expect? :/ 
    Thank you, truly, for your help. I did install the IO driver and nothing changed, just so you know.
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    edited October 2020
    No problem, in the meantime, I will try looking for a resolution.
    You could also try the suggestions here:
  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    One more thing, I see on How To Geek that the Fall Creator update from last year broke the control panel and so far, I don't see where it's been addressed. I'm thinking they took the actual touchpad settings away and just left the one, two and three finger settings alone. The rest such as the scroll area on the touchpad, the ability to shut off the palm swipe so the mouse doesn't travel when you type, all of those tweaks that were available, must be what broke and are now gone. I really like this laptop. Really like it. I never thought I'd leave Toshiba but of course, they're no longer making laptops. I tried two others that got returned before settling on this one. But it's a 50% game/50% productivity machine for me and I miss that ability to change the settings for me. And I'm sure it's not Acer. It's in Windows.
    I'll check in when I get back. Thank you again. :)
  • tigrisan
    tigrisan Member Posts: 10


    I've been tied up with a few things but wanted to come back and thank you again for your help. Still nothing on this end so I'm guessing there's nothing I can do. I don't have the option of that last tab to the right shown in the picture here which is what I'm looking for, but after more research, I see I'm not alone and most people report it's a Windows 10 Update problem. So far, I've been impressed with everything about this laptop but am pretty fed up with the mouse/touchpad and that's not Acer's fault. So, that said, thanks again for all of your help. I appreciate your taking the time.