Brand New CP713-2w weird deep sleep issue

DarrenChrome Member Posts: 3 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
really annoying issue that I am baffled by

If I use CB and close lid it and then reopen within a short period of time it is fine and all chrome tabs refresh and operate as expected.
If I close lid at night and then re-open in the morning the tabs do not respond - wifi is connected and the Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics extension I downloaded also says everything is fine....If I try at this point to open say gmail - it will not open.
The only way to get it to work is to reboot.
I have checked my setting in ChromeOS with my sons and we are the same, he does the same as me and at night shuts the lid ie sleeps the device and then in the morning he can open and resume very quickly without any additional steps
I have also tried disconnecting the wifi and reconnecting and this does not help either

any thoughts before I return the machine for a refund?



  • patrickkelly
    patrickkelly Member Posts: 92 Fixer WiFi Icon
    Since I turn my Chromebook off if I won't be using it for hours, I'm afraid I can't help at all.
  • DarrenChrome
    DarrenChrome Member Posts: 3 New User
    has kept doing it all day today - so I have powerwashed the device and will see if it is ok in the am - with just a close of the lid!
  • DarrenChrome
    DarrenChrome Member Posts: 3 New User
    actually - I did a reset [powerwash] and it has been fine since

    hope this helps others