Laptop 5741-A Battery not charging beyond 11%

thebadger Member Posts: 1 New User


I can guess that I am not the only one with this problem, going by whats on the net any one found a cure?

Have updated the BIOS to Version      V1.23  and tried all the suggestions I have found on the net. All to no avail. With a wear level of only 15% it cant be the batterry.

Look forward to a reply. Alan


Battery 1 Properties
Name    Li_Ion_4000mA
Manufacturer    -Virtual Battery 0-
Manufacturing Date    [unknown]
Serial Number    [unknown]
Unique ID    FB51SANYO Li_Ion_4000mA
Chemistry    Lithium-ion
Location    Fake
Designed Capacity    47520 mWh
Fully Charged Capacity    40694 mWh
Current Capacity    4482 mWh (11%)
Designed Voltage    12247 mV
Voltage    [unknown]
Wear Level    15 %
Power State    [unknown]
Smart Battery Version    [unknown]
SBDS Serial Number    [unknown]
SBDS Manufacture Date    [unknown]
Availability    [unknown]
Estimated Charge Remaining    11 %
Estimated Run Time    [unknown]
Charging Status    [unknown]


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