What type/model of cooling pad do you guys recommend for Acer Nitro 5

Radish Member Posts: 5


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hello, I'm having a rise of heat on my laptop these days, like when I'm plugging in my charger to my laptop, putting it on idle while Firefox and Epic launcher is open because I'm downloading. My temp would go up to 50C average and 60-70C highest. Im not playing any game, just completely idle.

I am thinking to buy a cooling pad because they say that it can reduce a laptops heating issue. Since I don't really know how the air flow/air management works with my acer nitro 5, I can't decide what kind of cooling pad I should get because some says that not all cooling pads work for all laptops and there is a specific cooling pad to really help at heat issues. So I decided to ask here. Suggestions on what specific model, brand or type of cooling pad is good will be a big help. Thanks in advance

My laptop model is AN515-43
Ryzen 5 3550h
GTX 1650
8GB Ram