Can't install ubuntu (linux) on SSD (aspire 3 A315-55g-74nf)

Mortezagh1376 Member Posts: 6 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hello, I added an adata sx6000 lite SSD to my laptop (aspire 3 A315-55g-74nf).
Now I want install linux on ssd but ubuntu can not detect my ssd.
When I change SATA mode to AHCI I can't access boot and I have to press and hold power button for 15 seconds to reset bios.
What should I do for install Linux on my SSD? 


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    If you're installing from a Rufus prepared iso, some ubuntu installations are having trouble detecting and installing on HDD1 or sdb on some newer BIOS machines.  There is a work-around that some folks have reported success. At the point where the Linpus installer fails to detect sdb, close the laptop lid as if to put the laptop in sleep mode. Then open it back up. The installer will often magically find sdb and allow continuation of the installation. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Mortezagh1376
    Mortezagh1376 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Thanks for your response
    I try manjaro too, and use another program to bootable my flash disk, then I close lid when i should select my ssd, but nothing appeared, then I changed my sata mode to AHCI, but I did not work and I just have a black screen with nothing, I had to reset BIOS/UEFI settings to its default.
    What should I do now?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Was the SATA mode originally rst with optane card? Does it actually have optane card installed? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Mortezagh1376
    Mortezagh1376 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Yes it was originally rst with optane,
    I don't know about that, I just added an adata sx6000 lite SSD 128 GB on m.2 port.
    But when I installed optane driver in windows it says there is no optane memory.
  • Mortezagh1376
    Mortezagh1376 Member Posts: 6 New User
    Now my biggest problem is black screen, I can't access my bios or anything when my sata mode is AHCI, I have to reset my bios setting ... 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Even though you don't have an optane card installed in the m.2 socket, your HDD's existing Windows installation was originally set up to work with an optane HDD accelerator card in the m.2 socket to speed up the HDD.  The Windows HDD now sees a non-optane SSD installed in the m.2 socket. This is why you get the error message 'no optane memory'. You may have to reinstall Windows on the HDD in AHCI mode to install Linux on the SSD because the Linux installer cannot yet handle rst with optane mode. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Mortezagh1376
    Mortezagh1376 Member Posts: 6 New User
    thank you. how can i install linux on AHCI mode? when i changed sata mode to AHCI, my system brakes and I can't access boot menu, and should reset setting to rst with optane!

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Set the BIOS to AHCI mode. But before exiting the BIOS, make sure the F12 boot option is enabled in the BIOS Main tab and rearrange the boot priority order so the Linux USB installation stick is first. Then exit and save settings. Shut the machine off. Then disconnect the HDD. Insert the USB stick. Turn the machine on and immediately start tapping the F12 key. A menu should appear to allow you to boot from the Linux USB installation stick and install Linux on the m.2 SSD.

    Alternatively, you could first re-install Windows on the HDD in AHCI mode with a Win10 installation USB stick by using Microsoft's media creation tool or a Win10 USB iso by using Rufus. Then install Linux on the m.2 SSD alongside Windows on the HDD.

    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Mortezagh1376
    Mortezagh1376 Member Posts: 6 New User
    I changed boot priority and enable F12
    Then I connect usb device with windows 10 bootable, and restart laptop, then I changed sata mode to AHCI to reinstall windows from usb, but I have black screen