how do i create a icon for the desktop? (shortcut that is)

sandy028601 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
hi  my name  is sandy  not to  long ago   i received   a chomebook  laptop from  my sister   since  my  laptop   went out on me    i  really  like it  but  however    i got a slight  problem    i  would like to  know  how  do  i create  desktop  shortcut?   i went  to  a few websites   on   how to do it   everything  i  tried   from these  sites  has not work     i  must admit that Acer  is    abit  new  to  me  but i'm learning thank  you

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  • patrickkelly
    patrickkelly Member Posts: 92 Fixer WiFi Icon
    edited September 2020
    I'm not sure what you mean but if you want an icon to mark a website you go to the website, click on the hamburger--the three horizonal lines that give you a menu--icon in the upper right, go down to "more tools" and then "make shortcut". Once you've made the icon it's in your apps. Click on "launcher" on the left edge of your taskbar--or shelf--and look for the icon. You can then pin it to the shelf.

    Edit: shortcuts don't go on the "desktop". They go on the shelf which is called the taskbar in Windows.
  • Sandylovejoy
    Sandylovejoy Member Posts: 3 New User
    hi    sorry i didn't  see  your response   i had been off line for   awhile  dued  to a very   bad   illness  anyway    here's   what   i mean   on my  old dell laptop    i  could   create   icons  shortcuts   and  pin  them  on  the  desktop  (like  this  picture)   on   acers  website  and on the explore  icon  app "find  and organize "  skip  down  to  organize  your apps  and  look at the  move apps around section , it said to click  and hold an app and dragged it   which   i done   alot  each i tried  it just disappears also  i went on   the acer's message board just  to see if anyone had the same problem  one of the tech here  posted  a message   on how to  do  dragged the   icons on to   the desktop  thanks     sandy lovejoy
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,605 Trailblazer
    On a Chromebook there isn't really a desktok per se, they instead have a shelf. Use Pin to Shelf for apps or sites that you want easy access to, or use the favorites on the browser itself.
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