Aspire Z24-890-UR16 Max Ram Memory 16gb? 32gb?

raul677 Member Posts: 5


edited March 2024 in 2020 Archives
I have been trying to upgrade my ram and I'm very confused with the conflicted information I'm getting. Acer says my max ram memory is 16gb BUT is saying 32gb!!! So which one is it? I also appear to have an M2 slot in my motherboard but no mention of an M2 slot in the specs. Can you someone please clarify?


  • aphanic
    aphanic Member Posts: 959 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Read through this thread, maybe it helps you find the answers you need ;)

    Do let us know what you find out afterwards, and whether you need assistance anyway, we'll be able to provide it (I hope haha)
  • raul677
    raul677 Member Posts: 5


    @aphanic using the information provided, now its saying I can upgrade to 64gb ram. Either way I will install the 32gb when the parts get here this weekend. 32gbs is more than enough. I have 16gbs now. Thanks. it helps a lot. I will post again this weekend and update and let you know if it worked.
  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,460 Trailblazer
    edited August 2020
    raul677 said:
    @aphanic using the information provided, now its saying I can upgrade to 64gb ram. Either way I will install the 32gb when the parts get here this weekend. 32gbs is more than enough. I have 16gbs now. Thanks. it helps a lot. I will post again this weekend and update and let you know if it worked.

    Acer states that the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 can take a max of 16GB-DDR4 SDRAM RAM and comes OEM with 8GB-DDR4 SDRAM RAM, you better stick to these specs as you will be wasting your money and time. Just remember, this is an AIO computer and it’s a big job upgrading RAM and storage, as you have to take this AIO apart and it would be very unfortunate for you if you do that all for nothing, just a warning for you.

    Btw, another way of increasing RAM is to get faster RAM e.g. if your OEM is DDR4-2400MHz then upgrade to either DDR4-2666MHz or DDR4-3200MHz but, it depends on the max RAM speed that the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 can handle? As all these upgrades will improve some of the existing performance. 

    Best way is to get “CPUz” (from here: and look at your OEM RAM specs in CPUz “SPD” section and upgrade to a faster spec RAM from your OEM that way. As far as your SSD get a software called “AS SSD Benchmark” (download from here: US) as this software will see if you have an SSD installed and if you do? Then it will give you all the specs on that, as it won’t work if you don’t. These are just simple solutions to your upgrades that I would strongly suggest that you do prior to buying any upgrade hardware.

  • aphanic
    aphanic Member Posts: 959 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Knowing the limits isn't rocket science @StevenGen, I think I detailed it well enough in that guide:
     - Check the processor you have, check its supported memory types and its limit.
     - Check the chipset you have, check its limit.
     - Check the number of sockets you have, that along with the minimum of the limits above should already tell you the maximum memory you can install in the system.

    The 32 GB sound sensible enough to me, as does 64, I bet the limiting factor here isn't the processor maximum supported RAM, but the chipset's, but that's just me betting without data to back it up. I wouldn't go for 16, that's for sure.

    A different thing (that is also covered), is that the memory you install is compatible with one you may have already, or with the motherboard itself if there are some sort of whitelisting in place; but that just boils down to luck.

    StevenGen said:

    Btw, another way of increasing RAM is to get faster RAM e.g. if your OEM is DDR4-2400MHz then upgrade to either DDR4-2666MHz or DDR4-3200MHz but, it depends on the max RAM speed that the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 can handle? As all these upgrades will improve some of the existing performance. 

    That line alone shows you didn't go through the guide, because that is also covered with an example :/
  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,460 Trailblazer
    edited August 2020
    aphanic said:
    Knowing the limits isn't rocket science @StevenGen, I think I detailed it well enough in that guide:
     - Check the processor you have, check its supported memory types and its limit.
     - Check the chipset you have, check its limit.
     - Check the number of sockets you have, that along with the minimum of the limits above should already tell you the maximum memory you can install in the system.

    The 32 GB sound sensible enough to me, as does 64, I bet the limiting factor here isn't the processor maximum supported RAM, but the chipset's, but that's just me betting without data to back it up. I wouldn't go for 16, that's for sure.

    A different thing (that is also covered), is that the memory you install is compatible with one you may have already, or with the motherboard itself if there are some sort of whitelisting in place; but that just boils down to luck.

    StevenGen said:

    Btw, another way of increasing RAM is to get faster RAM e.g. if your OEM is DDR4-2400MHz then upgrade to either DDR4-2666MHz or DDR4-3200MHz but, it depends on the max RAM speed that the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 can handle? As all these upgrades will improve some of the existing performance. 

    That line alone shows you didn't go through the guide, because that is also covered with an example :/

    Firstly “aphanic”, the specs on the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO (have a look here: that “raul677” has and was asking about (its max ram) is simple, “Maximum Memory is 16GB and comes with Standard Memory of 8GB”! That is the PC that “raul677” said that he’s got and its not another model that can take 32GB or 64Gb of ram as the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO can’t! The specs tell it all, I’m sure that Acer wouldn’t quote the “Max Memory of 16GB” of the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO if they didn’t know the processor, chipset and memory types and their limits for this model on their official site and specs, what are you talking about? Keep to the subject in hand and be relevant, don’t shoot off on a different tangent with 32GB and 64Gb as there are lots of PC’s that can handle those types of memory but the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO is not one of them!

    Btw, the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO comes OEM with the Intel i5-9400T at 1.80GHz to 3.4GHz cpu that is an Intel LGA 1151 V2 that is supported by the Intel® 300 Series Chipsets and up to DDR4-266MHz ram but comes OEM from Acer with the 8GB-DDR4 SDRAM which Acer recommends, don’t give out false info!

    Also and as you have said and I also implied “the memory you install is compatible with one you may have already” which is the most sensible way of upgrading and increasing ram capacity. Ok my quote “Btw, another way of increasing RAM” should have been “Btw, the way to get faster ram” and should not have been “of increasing RAM” as faster ram won’t increase ram size or capacity. Also, I’m not interested in your link of “[GUIDE] How to find out if you can upgrade the RAM and which one you need” as that is irrelevant here and to this post by raul677”, I know the factors of cpu’s chipsets and ram types, I was speaking and answering about and the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO specifically not generally which that post that you linked to is all about and is no guide to the Aspire Z24-890-UR16 AIO max ram capacity as its all in the Acer official specs!

  • aphanic
    aphanic Member Posts: 959 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    I never gave false information that I know of, you raised some points, I addressed them giving my opinion, it's as simple as that.

    But as I said, if you're not willing to put the effort into reading what's written on how to determine what the system supports there's nothing really worth talking about, I will not follow up any other comment you make in this matter, it just wouldn't lead anyway.

    We agree to disagree is all.
  • raul677
    raul677 Member Posts: 5


    @StevenGen Actually, upgrading the ram and taking apart this pc is quite easy. I did it before when I upgraded my Ram from 8gb to 16gb and switch the hard drive to an SSD one. @aphanic You are correct! I check both the chip set and processor using various programs and all confirm I can upgrade the Ram up to 64GB. so the computer can take it. I just got the ram delivered and waiting on the M2 to get here to do the upgrade. I will upload pictures once I do and let you guys know if it worked. I'll go for 32gb ram upgrade. 64gb seems a bit too much for what I do, which is simple stuff. Both you guys have been very helpful and appreciate all your help. I'm just baffle as to why the manufacture would set a ram limit that is not so! but my guess is that they used the same motherboard in different models and they obviously don't want people to know they can easily upgrade their current PC and "force them to buy a "new one" instead. So its a way of saving money during the manufacturing process. They create different models using the same motherboard with obvious differences in processors and ram memory but I think they all have the same limits.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer
    The issue is that in a lot of cases the chipset supports more ram, but only if there are more sockets as well. If the chipset supports 32GB with four sockets but the MB only has two sockets then the maximum memory for the MB will be 16GB. With a 9th gen processor it's possible Acer did the memory addressing such that 16GB modules will work, but they say otherwise in the specs. Two 8GB modules is what they say works. It will be interesting to see if two 16GB modules (which require an extra address line on the bus then 4GB/8GB modules) work. If they do then it's quite likely that two 32GB modules would also work.
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  • raul677
    raul677 Member Posts: 5


    Hey Guys,

    It worked!! I was able to add 32gbs of ram to my PC. Not only that but I was also able to add a 1TB M2 Stick, something I did not know I had nor did Acer told me I had in my particular model. This actually proves my theory right. Acer uses the same motherboard in different models and they obviously don't want people to know they can easily upgrade their current PC and "force them to buy a new one" instead. This was further solidify by my inability to access "Computer Management" which it's only accessible via Administrator account only. The administrator account is protected by a password that was set by Acer. Needless to say I was very upset that I couldn't have access to my own computer's administrative account. Thankfully, I was able to by pass their password and format the M2 stick successfully and it showed up just fine. I have included photos for reference and to help anyone that has a similar issue in the future.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,617 Trailblazer
    Great news! :) That is a custom motherboard Acer did, not one of theirs that supports many different cases. They don't set any passwords in Windows, Windows isn't even initialized until you boot the system that first time. When you right click on the Start Menu and select Computer Management it should give you the requestor for Administrator access, but you just click on the OK button, no password needed.
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