Maximum upgrade capacity Acer Aspire A315-51.

FacuxD Member Posts: 1 New User
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
To whom correspond, good afternoon.

I have what I guess might be a simple question. I bought an Acer (model on the subject), but after some time it results not being what I expected. I had to reboot it recently because it wasn't being even able to run chrome properly and after the restart, it worked a little bit better, but now it's starting to get back to that low-performance status. I know that I can add another RAM. Mine already has a 4gb DDR4 by default. But what I don't know is if I'm limited to add an extra 4gb card on the remaining slot so I get 8gb which I understand based on other answers that it was the max. capacity or I can remove both for example to add 2x 8gb DDR4.

Another topic is if there is any possibility to change my current graphics card. I think it's integrated, but I don't know. It came by default also, it is an Intel UHD Graphics 620. Is there a way to upgrade this? Because that's what I think would make the difference.

Thanks for your time and would be waiting for your response.


  • aphanic
    aphanic Member Posts: 959 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    Let's see... I don't know the particularities of that model, I wonder if the 4 GB you have are soldered into the motherboard or not, but it's easy to find. Download and open HWiNFO and show a screenshot of the memory section, like this:

    Notice there's a + (or - if it is expanded) next to my Memory section, that means there's a stick put there, in one slot. If yours show you memory information, but doesn't have any +/- (like in Smart Battery in my machine) it would mean the 4 GB are soldered into the motherboard and that your memory slot is empty.

    As for upgrading, that would depend on many things, but if there is a slot missing now, the maximum would be installing a stick with 16 GB for a total of 20 (you'd have to check for compatibility but I'll give you a guide in the end); otherwise the maximum could (emphasis because it may not be possible and the max would be 16) be a single stick of 32 GB if your processor is the 7200U.

    Check out this and let us know if you have any doubts, we'll get them sorted:
  • aphanic
    aphanic Member Posts: 959 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon
    As for upgrading the graphics card... I'm afraid not, it's integrated into the processor (and the processor soldered to the motherboard); but even if you had a dedicated graphics card, those are also soldered in laptops.

    May I know what your main drive is too please? It is possible it is an HDD with SRM making things slower than they could be: