Is Acer still interested?

ArlanRHolton Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2024 in 2020 Archives
5 years ago, Acer warranted an 'extra' gifted Desktop to ensure my success at completing a 'home-made' invention I call 'Database Operating System', now complete. Previewed at Arlan R Holton/ Photo Albums/ Database Screenshots (105 Images). First ever Pre-Installed Organizer Template with Icon Restorer, or 'Separating Disc Registry Set System' allowing USB direct external drive-to-drive duplication of 'Public Library' and personal volumes of data files. From 'Master Copy' to infinite #'s of pre-filled drives for all devices/OS, within hours, worthy of decades of browser downloads and optical drive (Tagging, Formatting, Grouping) with player/program performances topping the charts. Acer stated they would be willing to acquire a line of external drives just to commercialize this item, now available. If You/Your President wishes a copy forwarded for their review, please let me know here, Thanks.

[Post edited to remove inappropriate or personal content -Acer-Harvey]