difficulty with Acer Aspire 3 audio jack / enabling headset

lilithTxT Member Posts: 2 New User
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives

I'm using acer aspire 3 in windows 10, Got prob with enabling my headset or headphone. At first when I plug it in the sounds still comes out with in the default speaker of the laptop and the same with the mic. It is like the laptop is not recognizing any headset or earphones or headphones....

Then I did the following:

>search the realtek audio console in the windows search bar.....
>then go to device advance settings and see if the drop down option of the analog is enabled or can be change.
>if not just close the console again and reopen...repeat until it is enabled....
****from experience it seems that it takes time for acer or realtek to read the audio jack plug in....
>Then once it is enabled check every option and pick the option that would make your headset or headphone or earphones work....
****I also test it with the sound control panel to see what mic is working.... 
>For my headphone the option that worked is the headset option....

Do we really need to go thru these steps every time we plug in a headset or earphones or headphones ??????
Or is there another way to make it work immediately upon plug in ???????


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,213 Trailblazer
    Depending on background processes and cpu speed, headsets sometimes take up to about a 30 seconds to be fully recognized, internal speakers/mic disabled and then headset speaker/mic enabled. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • lilithTxT
    lilithTxT Member Posts: 2 New User
    JackE said:
    Depending on background processes and cpu speed, headsets sometimes take up to about a 30 seconds to be fully recognized, internal speakers/mic disabled and then headset speaker/mic enabled. Jack E/NJ
    @JackE for the ans. But is that long still normal for a freshly opened laptop with core i5 and ssd+hdd ??? 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,213 Trailblazer
    Absolutely! Especially if you have any unnecessary non-Microsoft virus scanners or other processes also running in the background. Open TaskManager to see what processes are consuming large percentages of CPU, RAM memory resources. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ