One of my fans is making a loud noise when running at around 3200RPM, but stops once it gets higher.

CaptainBritish Member Posts: 6


edited December 2023 in 2020 Archives
I got a refurbished AN517-51 a couple of months ago and recently the CPU fan has started making a rattling noise when running at a certain mid-range speed (around 3200RPM), however if I set the fan speed higher the noise stops. I'm hoping to get some advice on what to do next, I'm comfortable taking the laptop apart to a certain extent, so does anyone know of a part I could buy to replace the CPU fan? Is there anything I could do to the fan right now that may fix the issue?

Given it's a refurb I don't really have a warranty, I still have about 20 days left to RMA my device but honestly, if I can replace the fan for a decent price I'd rather not lose my laptop for two weeks.