Nitro AN515-54 Intel drivers update loop and NVidia GForce drivers confusion

Gonzosmom Member Posts: 1 New User
edited December 2023 in 2020 Archives
My system recently updated from Windows 10 1809 to Windows 10 1909 in June.   It seemed to be fine for about a week. 

The Windows Updates system started installing a bunch of Intel system and bluetooth updates from April 2019 and one that says its from 1968 over and over.  They say successful each time but it keeps doing it every few days.  I turned Windows Update off for now.

Also the wi-fi constantly looses connection and I have to run the troubleshooter to reset the wifi card to reconnect- it is an Intel Wireless AC 9560. 

I tried going into ACER driver downloads and reinstalling everything from there but it doesn't seem to make any difference with the two issues.

I went and ran the intel driver update tool to see what it says.  It doesn't show any updates for the Intel System drivers that Windows 10 keeps reinstalling.
But they do have a new driver from May 2020 for both the wifi card and the bluetooth. 
Should I try installing these drivers instead of the older ACER drivers that are on the ACER support page?  

A third issue is that the Intel update tool says there is a June 2020 Graphics driver update but it will overwrite OEM modifications if I install it.
Should I install this?

Also the NVidia GForce site says there is a driver update from them I need to install everytime I open the GForce program.

All the ACER support site drivers seem old and windows 10 1909, Intel and GForce keep asking me to install their new ones.
I don't know what to do.