Laptop never goes above TDP of 30 W despite normal temperatures

cjc2040 Member Posts: 5


Hello! Currently I am facing a problem with my G9-793. Despite the CPU never going about 85 C, my cpu refuses to go to a TDP above 25 - 30 W. I have an i7-7700HQ, which should have a maximum TDP of 45 W but I have yet to see my laptop achieve that. I have disabled and locked Turbo Power limits in ThrottleStop. I have tried to override short and long term power limits. I have tested it with and without throttlestop/predator sense. Everytime it fails to go about 30W. I know a post was recently made regarding a similar issue, but my CPU does not overheat, whereas the other OP's did. I would very much appreciate some help.
