How do i fix my fps drop? from 60 to 20?

DylanMS Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Ok hello, i have gtx 1060 8gb ram (avaliable 7.75) 1080p 60hz i7. 2 Year ago, 2018 i bought Acer Helios 300 with that spec (gtx 1060 8gb ram (avaliable 7.75) 1080p 60hz i7) i have been playing games with 60 fps for a year, then 2019 and 2020 my fps just drop randomly from 60 to 20, i dont have running backgrund, i tried to nvidia control panel but it just dosent work, reinstall windows 2 times. isntead of 60 it just cap to 20. Is there any  way to fix that fps drop? it just makes me stress when playing, is not enjoyable, hope you can fix this. And now im just playing games with low graphics but it didnt improve... help