Predator G9-791 Disable persistent multimedia settings.

DC_All Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hi there, having a problem with my G9-791 and the Predator Sense software.
The problem is, the multimedia settings are very persistent. I'm not sure if this is a new problem, or if its just something I've never noticed before.
but every time I restart windows (or even just wake up from hibernation) the predator sense software will apply one of its multimedia profiles.... gaming, movie, photo, etc.
this changes the colour/brightness adjustment in my intel graphics panel and the audio setting in my dolby digital control panel.

this is starting to get really bothersome, I work in graphic design and so I like to have my monitor calibrated, but every time I start up the laptop the colours have all gone dark again.
I've tried uninstalling predator sense, and of course this solves my problem. but then I lose my macro key functionality and fan speed setting.

is this the intended behavior of the software? is there anyway to disable the Sense software from forcing its profiles everytime windows starts up?

Many thanks.