Extremely slow computer extremely long boot up times E5-576-392H

Bharani Member Posts: 3 New User
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
I have this laptop since year and a half or so..It has been slow right out of the box.. It is frustrating that his laptop takes forever to boot up and also after bootup it takes extremely long times to open up an application. As I have another laptop I stopped using this but finally decided that this is wrong and I need to fix this. Can anyone help. Here are the times that I clocked.

Once I press the power button to the screen where I can put the password to let me in: 3 mins 47 sec
Once I enter the password in the screen to the time I can press any "Any" icon to open up an application: 1 min:35 sec

As you can see it takes more than 5 mins for me to open up a webpage to start working from the time I start the computer. This is insanely long time. 

I have refreshed the windows 10  two to three times and odd part is the first time you refresh the windows it is very fast. Aka normal times once I enter the password for the webpage to open up around 20 secs or so. but the second / third times and so on I restart the computer it slows down ... 

Here are the details of my computer:

Asfpire E5-576
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Bios version: V1.49
Intel Core i3-8130U @ 2.2 GHZ
1TB HD (about 50% available)
Intel UHD graphics 620
Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377

Extremely frustrating.. any help will be great..


  • Acronalb
    Acronalb Member Posts: 8 New User
    i had the same problem, the solution is to change your hard disk with an SSD.

  • Bharani
    Bharani Member Posts: 3 New User
    I am unsure that SSD will  fix it either. I am ok with reducing the time to half but more than 5 mins seems to be a problem not just with HDD.. My only issue is if I turn it to SSD and still is slow because I just transferring problems from one drive to another. I want to transfer a clean way.
  • Acronalb
    Acronalb Member Posts: 8 New User
    you say "It has been slow right out of the box", it is slow not for a program or a virus, the hdd 5400rpm is 
    mechanically slow.
    try to put a new ssd, on amazon there are some cheap.

  • Bharani
    Bharani Member Posts: 3 New User
    Thanks for the reply. Maybe I should have been more clear. It boots up pretty ok into windows etc when you either refresh windows or the first time I got it but after that it slows down. So that is why my reason on is that it is not just the hard drive alone but others too. I am afraid I will solve the HDD related slowness by the SSD but not answer why is it ok when you refresh windows and boot the first time but after that it slows down.. By the way what type of SSD should I be looking for
  • Acronalb
    Acronalb Member Posts: 8 New User
    you can try this:
    open task manager
    more details
    look at disk coloum
    if this is often almost 100%, take an SSD, your computer is slow because the HDD.
    let me know what task manager says.
  • Acronalb
    Acronalb Member Posts: 8 New User
    for the ssd you have 2 options:
    1) install this: https://it.crucial.com/ssd/mx500/ct250mx500ssd4/ct15361715 so you have ssd for windows and your HDD for storage (you have to install Windows on the SSD).
    2) you can replace HDD with an SSD and you can use it for windows and storage.
       for this option you need to search SSD 2.5" 
    whatever is fine