Nitro AN515-53 - Black Screen after upgrading the ram to another 8 GB

mjaf_110693 Member Posts: 4 New User
edited December 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hi Everyone,

I hope you're safe and healthy.

I just need assistance on getting my laptop works with 16GB RAM. I bought the same model of 8GB RAM to make my acer nitro 5 a total of 16GB of RAM, but I don't know why it can't boot normally.

The one on the left side is the new one and on the right side is the current ram installed that's working.

Troubleshooting steps.

- Checked BIOS - Got the updated version
- Insert both RAMs - Black Screen (waited for almost 10mins, nothing happens)
- Switched both RAMs - Black Screen (waited for almost 10mins, nothing happens)
- Removed old RAM and insert the new RAM to where the old ram was inserted - Black Screen (waited for almost 10mins, nothing happens)
- Insert new ram to another memory slot - Black Screen (waited for almost 10mins, nothing happens)
- Insert old ram to another memory slot (not the slot where the old ram was inserted) - System boots normally
- Resetting power button while both rams are installed, power it up - Black Screen (waited for almost 10mins, nothing happens)

I really don't know what's happening on my laptop. I searched everything about my laptop and it should be able to cater up to 32GB of RAM. Is the new ram not compatible with my laptop? The RAMs look the same for me.

I would appreciate any help from you guys. I'm out of options here. Thank you guys in advance