Broken Monitor
Member Posts: 1 New User
I recently received my Predator XB1 27 Inch monitor and I loved it! But not even a day after owning the monitor it broke. I think it has "Stuck Pixels" but I am not 100% certain and Customer Service wont help me because "I do not have a warranty on a product bought 3 days ago". I purchased the monitor brand new through Amazon. As you can see in the first photo there is nothing open on the monitor (Chrome is open on the other monitor) and you can see amazon in the background. No matter what cable or what device I use I cannot get the monitor back to its original state. In the second photo my pc is turned off completely and yet you can still see my Garry's Mod running on the monitor. Hmm pretty interesting right. Long story if you want awful products and awful customer service buy from Acer!