Acer nitro 5 an515-43-R4MW limited to 1866Mhz DDR4?

des29 Member Posts: 1 New User
edited December 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hi everyone,

I bought a Acer nitro 5 an515-43-R4MW 3 month ago and I plan to change the original ram from 2x4Go to 2x8Go.
Google tells me that I can't change my RAM XMP Profile because i can't access to this setting in BIOS.
With CPU Z i saw that max bandswith is 2666Mhz and DRAM Frequency is 933.0Mhz, this mean that my RAM is limited by my bios to 1866Mhz? (Return in 2012?)

Here, snapshot of CPU-Z :

My question is my RAM is really limited to 1866Mhz,and if so, is there no way to stop this limit?



  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good evening des29 !

    This model does not have native support for RAM in the frequency above 2400Mhz or the XMP profile.
    Then you should use RAM modules of a maximum of 2400Mhz without XMP technology.
    The XMP profile that your Bios does not have limits access to only the base frequency of RAM.

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  • batmalin
    batmalin Member Posts: 4,231 Guru
    When idle and no load the cpu underclocks so the integrated memory controller, therefore what you see in cpu-z is true. This cpu is capable on "turbo" mode to hanle 2400 on  single channel and 2666 on a dual (check my bench in the signature). Native supported speed is 2400 thou.
    Please click "Yes" if I have answered your question.