Performance issue

DelaAmelia Member Posts: 1 New User
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
Kronologi nya gini 
...jadi pas mau idupin laptop tuh mentok di logo yg ada jam nya dlu sebelum yg kaya di foto dan aku coba tekan tombol power 30 detik  dan berhasil masuk ke foto ke 4 tpi booting nya jadi lama sekitar 5menit yg awalnya 30 detik dan skrng speed nya jga jadi jalan default nya di frekuensi boost di 2.4 yg awalnya 1.1 dan ga pernah naik ... Dan mau setelah aku cek internet + sound jga pada ga jalan ...kali aja ada yg pernah ngalamin

The chronology is like this
... so right when I want to turn on the laptop stuck in the logo that has the clock first before the rich one in the photo and I tried to press the power button 30 seconds and made it into the 4th photo but the booting took about 5 minutes which was originally 30 seconds and now the speed also becomes the default path at the boost frequency at 2.4 which was originally 1.1 and never rises ... And after I checked the internet + the sound also didn't work ... just this time

Edited the thread by converting from Indonesian to English


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,201 Trailblazer
    Tekan dan tahan tombol daya hingga laptop mati. Lepaskan pengisi daya. Masukkan penjepit kertas ke dalam lubang jarum di bagian bawah laptop selama 10 detik. Kemudian pasang kembali pengisi daya. Setelah pengisian daya menyala biru, coba nyalakan kembali laptop dengan tombol power. Jack E/NJ

    Press and hold power button  till laptop turns off. Remove charger. Insert paperclip into pinhole on bottom of laptop for 10 seconds. Then plug charger back in. After charging light turns blue, try to turn laptop back on with power button. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ