Does opening my ph315 52 77z6 will void the warranty

LiquideVaisselle Member Posts: 21


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hello everyone, i recently noticed a louder sound coming from the gpu fan, even on idle, i wanted to just take a lot at it by opening my laptop, it would be the occasion to make sure everything thing is alright and removing the dust too.
By as i was unscrewing the first screw i noticed some blue color in it, i was wondering if it is a secjrity thzt void my warranty, there is nos warranty sticker whatsoever on the back on the laptop. 
Im from france, if that changes the warranty system. 

Edited the content to hide sensitive information

Best Answer

  • andylb
    andylb ACE Posts: 3,827 Pathfinder
    edited March 2020 Answer ✓
    Your warranty is only void if there is a sticker on the underside covering one of the screws, stating “Warranty void if removed”. If it isn’t there then you are good and the blue on the screw is not a security measure, probably Teflon to ensure the screws don’t work loose

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    Thank you and have a blessed day  B)

    ★★ ACE Pathfinder 2019★★


  • LiquideVaisselle
    LiquideVaisselle Member Posts: 21


    edited March 2020
    J'ai posté mon sujet en oubliant que c'etait déjà un serveur français, donc je la refais en français.
    J'ai remarqué un bruit un peu plus important sur mon ventilo de gpu comme si il y avait du jeu et que l'hélice bougeait un peu. Je voulais donc ouvrir mon pc mon voir un peu comment ça snorganisait dedans et à quoi cela pouvait etre du, jme dis aussi que c'est l'occasion de faire la poussière. 
    Mais pendant que je devissais les premières vis (je n'ai pas tout dévissé) j'ai remarqué des marques bleues (cf photo au dessus) je ne sais pas si ce sont des points de colle ou des marqueurs qui font sauté la garantie en cas d'ouverture du capot, ppur autant il n'y a aucun sticker sur l'arrière du capot qui previendrait d'une perte de garantie en cas d'ouverture.
    Ma questionnest donc : est ce que je peux ouvrir le capot de mon ordinateur sans perdre la garantie ?
    Dans l'attente de vos réponses je vous souhaite une bonne journée ! 


    I posted my subject forgetting that it was already a French server, so I'm doing it again in French.

    I noticed a little more noise on my gpu fan as if there was play and the propeller moved a little. So I wanted to open my pc to see a little how it was organized inside and what it could be, I also say that this is the opportunity to make the dust.

    But while I was unscrewing the first screws (I did not unscrew everything) I noticed blue marks (see photo above) I do not know if these are dots of glue or markers which make jump the guarantee in if the hood is opened, however there is no sticker on the back of the hood that would prevent a loss of warranty in the event of opening.

    So my question is: can I open the cover of my computer without losing the warranty?

    Pending your answers, I wish you a good day!

    Edited the content by translating from French to English


  • andylb
    andylb ACE Posts: 3,827 Pathfinder
    edited March 2020 Answer ✓
    Your warranty is only void if there is a sticker on the underside covering one of the screws, stating “Warranty void if removed”. If it isn’t there then you are good and the blue on the screw is not a security measure, probably Teflon to ensure the screws don’t work loose

    Please click YES if I answered your question

    I am not an ACER employee
    Thank you and have a blessed day  B)

    ★★ ACE Pathfinder 2019★★