Acer Aspire 5742G - problems with sound

Skybluesky Member Posts: 66 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
My 5742g is having problems with sound for some time. The sound doesn´t come out right: on some tones you can only hear the beat of a music or barelly distinguish what is said when someone´s speaking, and sound seems very faint. I´ve followed some instructions to see if it was the drivers but these seem ok. I´m sure it´s the hardware by the way the sound comes out interrupted or disturbed.
Also, lately another problem with the sound is that when I plug the headphones, the sound isn´t transferred to the headphones and keeps playing out loud. I had to replace the cooling fan recently and after that the headphones stopped working well.

Can anyone please give me an idea of where the problem might be? I´ve been looking at the service manual and I´m wondering if the speakers need to be replaced, cleaned (?) or have some connection issues.

Thank you


  • rich1974
    rich1974 Member Posts: 198 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon
    are you having two or only one speaker? i have a dell with a faulty speaker and i use only one. i stopped the faulty one through balance setting. but you seem to have only one. 
    to see that is a software or hardware problem, you can try out a live usb with ubuntu and see how it sounds like. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    >>>The sound doesn´t come out right: on some tones you can only hear the beat of a music or barelly distinguish what is said when someone´s speaking, >>>

    If you're referring to music and audio sounds from youtube or similar web videos, sound levels  are mostly controlled by the webservers, not your machine. Some are loud but most speech volumes are quite low and difficult hear even with your machine's volume on max. As for the headphones, they often take time to be recognized by the system. Sometimes you can speed recognition up by right clicking on the speaker icon, select playback devices, and then select headphone in the box the pops. Other times, you may have to pull the headphone plug slightly out of the jack to make better contact. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Skybluesky
    Skybluesky Member Posts: 66 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    Thank you for replying.

    I´m not sure how many speakers. From the info I found and the service manuaI, I think this Acer has only one speaker. The sound is definitely coming out wrong, with a buzzing noise on some tones. I can tell very high pitched tones or low tones are making a buzzing sound or seem to be missing.
    I don´t understand of Ubuntu or how I´d try a live USB but will check it out.

    As for headphones, the sound is better, most times it´s passing to the headphones and not playing out on the speakers. I think I figured out the problem: last time the laptop was opened to replace the cooling fan, it didn´t stay perfectly closed on the left side and headphones stay on that side. The sounds on headphones are way better, but not perfect (has a very slight disturbance), and I can´t remember if it was originally like that.
    I tested some music CDs. The sound comes acceptable on headphones but very disturbed and fainter on speakers.