Hi I just purchased a XC-885 i5 desktop but I can't open the DVD player. Anyone know how to do so?

Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
edited March 2024 in 2020 Archives
Hi I just purchased a XC-885 i5 desktop but I can't open the DVD player. Anyone know how to do so?

Best Answer

  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer
    edited February 2020 Answer ✓
    Diriye said:
    Hi do you mean the SNID number? That is XXXXXXXXXXXXX

    SNID & Serial Number [S/N] are unique identification for product. I request you to please edit the post and remove the SNID information ASAP. If you are unable to edit the post, no problem....Moderators will take care of it.
     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)


  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer


    Please 1st confirm whether your computer has DVD drive in to or not. If you confirm the availability of it, 

    1. Press & hold Windows key in keyboard and then press alphabet E. This will open Windows Explorer. 
    2. On the right pane of the Window, you can see "This PC" option. Click on it. 
    3. This will open up a folder showing Local C Drive & DVD drive icon. 
    4. Right click the DVD drive icon and select "Eject" button to open DVD drive. 
     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)

  • Diriye
    Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
    Hi i followed your instruction but there was no DVD drive option...

  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer
    Diriye said:
    Hi i followed your instruction but there was no DVD drive option...

    Please post ONLY first 10 characters of your computer Serial Number. With that we can check specs & confirm whether the computer has DVD drive or not. 
     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)

  • Diriye
    Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited February 2020
    Hi do you mean the SNID number? That is XXXXX

    Edited the thread to hide sensitive information
  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer
    edited February 2020 Answer ✓
    Diriye said:
    Hi do you mean the SNID number? That is XXXXXXXXXXXXX

    SNID & Serial Number [S/N] are unique identification for product. I request you to please edit the post and remove the SNID information ASAP. If you are unable to edit the post, no problem....Moderators will take care of it.
     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)

  • Diriye
    Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
    Hi ok understood. Does it help you solve my problem? It looks like it has a DVD drive. 
  • Diriye
    Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
    see screen shot ee
  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer


    I got your computer information and I see that it is eMachines desktop model # EL1331. I checked computer specs and confirmed that your computer comes with DVD drive.

    As the DVD drive is not shown under Windows Explorer, please follow the below steps:- 

    1. Press the Windows Key + X or right-click on START to open the Power User Menu.
    2. Select Device Manager in the menu. You should see something similar to the example below.

    Windows 10 Device Manager

    In the Device Manager window, go to the View menu and select “Show hidden devices“.

    Device Manager - Show Hidden Devices

    Device Manager – Show Hidden Devices

    Right-click on each entry present under both “DVD/CD-ROM drives” and “IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers” sections and select Uninstall.

    Device Manager - Uninstall Devices

    Device Manager – Uninstall Devices

    Once this is done, go to the Actions menu and select “Scan for hardware changes“.

    Device Manager - Scan for Hardware Changes

    Device Manager – Scan for Hardware Changes

    Restart your computer and take a look if you can see the DVD drive now.

     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)

  • Diriye
    Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
    Hi DVD drive doesn't even appear when you click on show hidden devices...
  • StevenGen
    StevenGen ACE Posts: 13,555 Trailblazer
    First thing, is it under warranty? If it is, then take it back to where you purchased it and let them fix this problem. If you don't have a DVD then XC-885's DVD is pretty cheap to add as an option, if you want one? As you can see on the caption below, a DVD drive is very noticeable physically on the front cover of a desktop. The DVD drive is always opened by a button on its front facia.

    If the DVD is not being recognised by your system then follow "Balatekie" instructions above, as this is very strange!
  • Diriye
    Diriye Member Posts: 7 New User
    edited February 2020
    hi that is the strange thing.. there is no button on the front such as the above to get it to open. initially I thought I was an ***** and purchased something without a DVD player. But according to the manual it has one. Anyway thanks for both your efforts especially Balatekie. I will take it back tomorrow and get it exchanged
  • Balatekie
    Balatekie ACE Posts: 1,353 Pioneer


    You are welcome & I thank for your co-operation. Yep...please contact the store and get the actual unit your intended to buy. :)
     :) If you think I've answered your question, please hit the Accept Answer:)

  • Diriy
    Diriy Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi all juts bought a new tower. Believe it not same problem....
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer
    Show us a picture of the front of the machine showing the DVD slot area.
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Diriy
    Diriy Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi don't worry I have decided to return. Thanks for your effort to help 
  • CarpAtWillowValley
    CarpAtWillowValley Member Posts: 5 New User
    The button to open the DVD drawer is on the face of the drawer.  It is a black button on a black face so I could not find it until I used a bright lite on the machine.   So I added a little piece of white tape to the button for ease of using it in the future.