D250 screen not lighting

SidecarBob Member Posts: 13


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
I have a D250 laptop that I inherited from my son. Some time ago he told me that he was looking inside and touched something and the screen went dark but it still worked if you plugged in a monitor. When I took the screen part apart to see if I could see the problem I happened to stand where there was a strong light behind the screen and realized that the display is actually working but the LEDs aren't lighting up.
Any ideas what the problem could be?


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    It's likely the video ribbon cable connectors at the mainboard and base of the screen simply needed to be reseated a half-dozen or so times to clean their contacts. If that doesn't solve the problem, the next likely culprit is the video ribbon cable has developed conductor trace breaks in the hinge area from wear and tear of opening/closing the lid too much. I seriously doubt the screen and its LED backlight are damaged unless the battery and charger were still connected when your son peered inside. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • SidecarBob
    SidecarBob Member Posts: 13


    Knowing him I wouldn't  be surprised if it was live while he was poking around in there. He repaired people's computers among other things (a lot of his income came from replacing phone and laptop screens the last couple of years) so he may have been trying to learn how to fix someone else's laptop at the time.

    As I said, I have the screen half apart and if I put a light behind the screen I can see everything that it should display so it is definitely working except that the LEDs for the backlight aren't lit. I'll try reseating the cable when I get back to it and maybe get out the contact cleaner, and if that doesn't help I'll put on my OptiVisor and start examining it in earnest.

    BTW: Yes, the contact cleaner I use is safe for electronics. I learned that lesson about 35 years ago when I sprayed out the rotary selector switch in a stereo amplifier and saw the plastic parts melt and puddle on the bottom of the case :anguished:
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    I'd advise against using a contact cleaner anyway even if it's allegedly safe for plastics. Rubbing alcohol is fine. But just reseating the connector a few times is likely enough without using anything. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • SidecarBob
    SidecarBob Member Posts: 13


    I've used the same brand for over 20 years and it has never harmed any plastic. Like I said, I learned that lesson the hard way.