Bad performance, fps and graphics.

Snagmaster69 Member Posts: 5


edited December 2023 in 2020 Archives
hi i have a nitro 5 and before i could play forza horzion 3 at a solid 60 fps on full graphics and it looked great on forza 4 80-100fps most other games ran at 60 but now forza horizon 4 runs at 40fps forza 3 at 40 with bad graphics and gta runs at 20-40fps with graphics that look like im running it on intergrated grahpics can someone please help i just bought battlefield 5 and watch dogs 2 they both are running the same. 
my specs:
CPU: intel core i7 9750H
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti
Vram: 6gb of GDDR6
RAM: 16gb
also since this has happened when i hold the power button the little menu doesn't come up anymore and when i press caps lock no message appears.
its not a virus ive done multiple scans.