Aspire E5-575 53VG requires multiple taps on power button

Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives
This started about a year and a half ago. 6 months after I bought my laptop my power button seemed to stop working, but I discovered it required multiple taps to power on. Ok.
About 3 more months go by and now my laptop requires hard presses simultaneously.  And then it stopped powering on all together.
I checked the board and found a dark spot around the power jack... i then replaced the charger, battery, motherboard and keyboard (I ended up puting the old keyboard back as it made no difference. ) and removed cemos. Now I could power it only if I held the power key for 30 seconds to reset the bios configuration. I then installed a bios update incase the bios might have corrupt. It fixed the issue I think but now I'm back at multiple taps on the power key. Anyone else got experience with this? Amy feedback or support is so appreciated as I've noticed Acer doesn't provide expired warranty support.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>replaced the charger, battery, motherboard and keyboard (I ended up puting the old keyboard back as it made no difference.>>>

    The power button on the keyboard should have a ribbon cable connected to a small removable board on the mainboard. Try reseating its connector a few times to clean the contacts. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    >>>replaced the charger, battery, motherboard and keyboard (I ended up puting the old keyboard back as it made no difference.>>>

    The power button on the keyboard should have a ribbon cable connected to a small removable board on the mainboard. Try reseating its connector a few times to clean the contacts. Jack E/NJ
    I will try this asap!
  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    >>>replaced the charger, battery, motherboard and keyboard (I ended up puting the old keyboard back as it made no difference.>>>

    The power button on the keyboard should have a ribbon cable connected to a small removable board on the mainboard. Try reseating its connector a few times to clean the contacts. Jack E/NJ
    This didn't work. Im not really sure what this could be. Can software cause this? I dont know what else this could be
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    No. It's likely a hardware issue. Did you find the small removable board on the mainboard? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    No. It's likely a hardware issue. Did you find the small removable board on the mainboard? Jack E/NJ
    Small removable board? You're referring to the USB slots right? The board connects to the motherboard via a slim ribbon cable.
    Also, going back to your original comment there isn't a ribbon cable connecting the power button. The keyboard entirely connects with a single ribbon cable at the bottom(which I cleaned and reconnected multiple times).
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Sorry, no. That's why I emphasized a small 'removeable' board. The e5-575 specssheet suggests that a separate power button board (aka daughter board) sits between the KB power button & mainboard. Your's apparently doesn't it. Since you replaced the charger, battery, motherboard & keyboard, that just about covers everything. If it still has the same issue,  I'm at a loss to explain the result other than the replacements were defective as well. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    Sorry, no. That's why I emphasized a small 'removeable' board. The e5-575 specssheet suggests that a separate power button board (aka daughter board) sits between the KB power button & mainboard. Your's apparently doesn't it. Since you replaced the charger, battery, motherboard & keyboard, that just about covers everything. If it still has the same issue,  I'm at a loss to explain the result other than the replacements were defective as well. Jack E/NJ

    I see. This is exactly what I thought as well... but two new motherboards and 1 new otherwise fully  functional keyboard is a bit odd.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Two new mainboards? Where did you get them from? This is the part no. for the E5-575 with the i5 processor and no nvidia chip. NB.GE711.002. Seem like rare boards. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    Two new mainboards? Where did you get them from? This is the part no. for the E5-575 with the i5 processor and no nvidia chip. NB.GE711.002. Seem like rare boards. Jack E/NJ

    Both were ordered from Ebay and have the NVidia chip in them. Are you requesting links?
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    See if you can find at least one spring-loaded switch on these mainboards near the bottom of the RAM sockets. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    See if you can find at least one spring-loaded switch on these mainboards near the bottom of the RAM sockets. Jack E/NJ
    im not really sure how to share pictures but here it is. No spring under the ram slots
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>1 new otherwise fully  functional keyboard>>>

    Sorry. I don't see the spring-loaded safety interlock switch that I'm looking for. Some boards were equipped with these. They're supposed to cut all power to the mainboard when the top and bottom covers are separated. They can cause intermittent problems if the cover is misaligned with or not pressing hard enough against the switch to keep it in the on position. I now suspect the KB switch is bad in both KBs that you have. What did you mean by one new otherwise fully functional KB? Was it perhaps used, not new?     Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    >>>1 new otherwise fully  functional keyboard>>>

    Sorry. I don't see the spring-loaded safety interlock switch that I'm looking for. Some boards were equipped with these. They're supposed to cut all power to the mainboard when the top and bottom covers are separated. They can cause intermittent problems if the cover is misaligned with or not pressing hard enough against the switch to keep it in the on position. I now suspect the KB switch is bad in both KBs that you have. What did you mean by one new otherwise fully functional KB? Was it perhaps used, not new?     Jack E/NJ

    Keyboards are new. And by "otherwise fully functional " I mean that the power key is the only issue.

    Both motherboards are Used but remanufactured. You cannot find the motherboard otherwise.

    Ill order another keyboard right now but in all my time of doing this I've never received 2(two) bad KB's. Thank you for all you've done to try and help.. this is the strangest issue I've ever encountered.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    OK. Can't tell for sure from the specsheet if the E5-575G boards should handle the KB power button any differently than the E5-575 boards. I wouldn't expect it. But a separate smaller power-button or daughter board was mentioned in the troubleshooting workflow. Does your old E5-575 board look any different from the E5-575G board wrt the power button connector? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    OK. Can't tell for sure from the specsheet if the E5-575G boards should handle the KB power button any differently than the E5-575 boards. I wouldn't expect it. But a separate smaller power-button or daughter board was mentioned in the troubleshooting workflow. Does your old E5-575 board look any different from the E5-575G board wrt the power button connector? Jack E/NJ

    Im honestly not sure what you are asking. I inspected it and used the Board serial to buy and identify the others so they're all exactly the same. There isn't an extra to the board at all.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Do you still have the original old E5-575 mainboard. It should be different than --- and have a different number id --- than the E5-575G mainboard. The trailing "G" designation means a discrete graphics  mainboard. The E5-575 mainboard without the "G" is a different mainboard without  dscrete graphics. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    Do you still have the original old E5-575 mainboard. It should be different than --- and have a different number id --- than the E5-575G mainboard. The trailing "G" designation means a discrete graphics  mainboard. The E5-575 mainboard without the "G" is a different mainboard without  dscrete graphics. Jack E/NJ
    Oh okay.They're all G boards. Thats what I'm saying. And yes I have the old one but it wont work at all the charging light sits orange
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Does the old non-G board look the same as the new G boards at the point where the KB ribbon plugs in? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Sterces
    Sterces Member Posts: 54 Devotee WiFi Icon
    JackE said:
    Does the old non-G board look the same as the new G boards at the point where the KB ribbon plugs in? Jack E/NJ
    Yes. Both the new and old G boards look the exact same. One of the new boards does not support the backlighting for the KB though. Which wouldn't be a problem. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    OK. Assuming the mainboards are good, then it's still the KB power buttons or their ribbon connectors that are suspect. Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ