Predator PH315-52 - Acer Helios 300 - How can I fix a loud Noise coming from my GPU fan?

Ryoshi Member Posts: 6


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
So I got my laptop a month ago and my friend dropped it by accident. Ever since then there's been this higher pitch noise coming from the GPU fan and I really want to fix it however are unsure how to do it. Sadly I apparently don't have a warranty as I bought it off of Amazon and one rep said they would repair it for 699$ which I'm not willing to pay if its something is just stuck in the GPU. I looked in YT for videos but they only show the old helios 300 2018 fan removal and currently, nobody has done a video for an Acer Helios 300 2019. I need some advice or help with this, please.


  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    Could you please post the full model name of the laptop, like PH315-xx, so that I can look for correct parts.
  • xapim
    xapim ACE Posts: 7,253 Pathfinder
    edited January 2020
    Have you contacted acer support directly to find out about your warranty if its valid or not ?
    If the issue its just the fan its probably easily fixable but if its something more serious .....

    UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%
    CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) - 41.9%
    SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%
    HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%
    RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%
    MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

    I'm not an Acer employee. (just here to help in the best way i can)
    If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks :)
    If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:

    Owner/Admin (HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka)
    Acer support:  

  • Ryoshi
    Ryoshi Member Posts: 6


    xapim said:
    Ryoshi have you contacted acer support directly to find out about your warranty if its valid or not ?
    If the issue its just the fan its probably easily fixable but if its something more serious .....
    I've put in a case and they said out of warranty will cost 600$
  • Ryoshi
    Ryoshi Member Posts: 6


    Could you please post the full model name of the laptop, like PH315-xx, so that I can look for correct parts.
    Predator PH315-52
  • brummyfan2
    brummyfan2 ACE Posts: 28,726 Trailblazer
    You have to remove 10 screws at the base cover, release the tabs with a prying tool, then disconnect the fan cable and remove two screws, replace the faulty fan. Part numbers for the fans are in the snip.

  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    edited January 2020
    Both fans plastic and metal dismountable so you can try to clean and put new grease on a shaft

  • Rouven
    Rouven Member Posts: 10



    Thanks for this Post. The whole thread helped me to replace the Aeroblade Fan against a plastic one. And it changed EVERYTHING for me ;) Now i can enjoy this notebook. The Aeroblade sound was really uncomfortable. And i can not measure any disadvantage, yet.
    So: thank you for sharing your knowledge ;)

    But what is the best way to remove the fan cable from the mainboard ? I really had some rough minutes when i tried to remove them carefully. It can not simply be pulled, right ? I realized, that on top, there are 2 small spots that can be pressed down with a small screwdriver to losen the cables a bit. Just to be able to pull them off. Although i managed it, it didn´t feel like it was done right.
    So how do you do it ? Maybe i need it in some time, when i want to try a repaste ? 

    best regards
  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    edited January 2020
    Rouven said:
     And i can not measure any disadvantage, yet.
    well obviously you will have worse cooling possibilities 

    but another issue is still there and it is related with the poor case design near the cpu fan (initially plastic one) because this one is inverted one so it gets most of the air from inside of case and due to some interference on the side where the case cover
    it makes it to produce awful sound with air whistling and you can easily indentify it if you cover vent grid above cpu fan by a hand, only then laptop will be quiet as it must be and as most of other laptops with proper made design do
  • Rouven
    Rouven Member Posts: 10


    Actually i can hardly push the GPU above 70°C. With 3D Mark, Furmark, HeavenBenchmark or ingame benchmark-loops in "Shadow of the Tombraider" or RDR2, i´m always slightly below 70°C. 
    When i monitor gaming sessions, i´m mostly around 60-65°C. Thats pretty much the values, i had with the Aeroblade. So i think the advantage of that Aeroblade-Concept is primary for marketing. 
    The CPU Cooling might be the next issue, u´re right. There are always peeks up to 90-92°C under load. I never thought about the case design... interesting point. I wasn´t looking for the most quiet setup in idle situations, but acceptable noise level unter load. ;)
  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    I doubt you can have such a low temperature 
    can you run stress test in aida64 with all checkboxes On except disks and post screenshot after 15 min?
  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Of coz we are speaking about fans on auto at 4000-4500 rpm not 6500
  • VeganCzech
    VeganCzech Member Posts: 32 Enthusiast WiFi Icon
    Hi, where can I buy a plastic fan instead of aeroblade?
  • Rouven
    Rouven Member Posts: 10


    I´ll try aida64, when i´m back home. I´m a little surprised by myself, that gpu temp doesn't play a role here. I even oc the clock and memory a bit with the afterburner, for testing. 
    I´m only running on auto fan, no manual, turbo or cool boost. Like i said b4, i´m looking for an acceptable noise level unter load.

    I checked the acer page for spare parts distributors. Try to google "Acer" and your word for spare parts ;)
    For germany the url is: . I bought at SB-Electronics. 

  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    even with liquid metal my gpu temp was higher 
  • Rouven
    Rouven Member Posts: 10


    At ~14:30minutes i reached 74°C at 3000rpm,then it raised the fans to 3500rpm and the temp went down again. The GPU reached 70^C pretty quickly and the fans ran at 3000, until 14:30. I´m pretty pleased with the plastics fan performance, yet. I´m unsure, wether i should repaste, to get the cpu lower... hm
  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    edited January 2020
    Rouven said:

    At ~14:30minutes i reached 74°C at 3000rpm,then it raised the fans to 3500rpm and the temp went down again. The GPU reached 70^C pretty quickly and the fans ran at 3000, until 14:30. I´m pretty pleased with the plastics fan performance, yet. I´m unsure, wether i should repaste, to get the cpu lower... hm
    Yes these temperatures are very low and I’m not sure how it’s possible

    Did you adjust some parameters like undervolt or use throttlestop etc? 
    Cpu voltage 0v that’s weird too
  • Tikisin
    Tikisin Member Posts: 22 Networker
    belik said:
    Rouven said:
     And i can not measure any disadvantage, yet.
    well obviously you will have worse cooling possibilities 

    but another issue is still there and it is related with the poor case design near the cpu fan (initially plastic one) because this one is inverted one so it gets most of the air from inside of case and due to some interference on the side where the case cover
    it makes it to produce awful sound with air whistling and you can easily indentify it if you cover vent grid above cpu fan by a hand, only then laptop will be quiet as it must be and as most of other laptops with proper made design do
    Belik do you think it would be possible to find a replacement for the "inverted' fan, one that is in a normal position to remove all the weird sound it makes, or a way to mod-tweak the already existing fan and place it in the way it was meant, not inverted.

    Also, when making my own fan curve in NBFC, I'm setting it up according to the CPU temperatures, and according to that the GPU fans spin too. Is it possible to "separate" the two fans and kinda make a curve only for the CPU fans and another one for the GPU because this way the GPU fans are always spinning faster + lounder for no reason (Let's say I wanna put the CPU fans to 1500 RPM and the GPU fans automatically go 2000 RPM, which is not needed at that point). Just trying to clear that out. Thanks
  • Rouven
    Rouven Member Posts: 10


    belik said:
    Did you adjust some parameters like undervolt or use throttlestop etc? 
    Cpu voltage 0v that’s weird too
    Not intended. I installed Aida64 and did a reboot before running the stresstest. No tools running or and predator sense all on default. Should the CPU voltage be -0.125 ? As far as i remember i always saw the 0 there... thought it must be some driver/software problem.
  • belik
    belik Member Posts: 397 Seasoned Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Rouven said:
    belik said:
    Did you adjust some parameters like undervolt or use throttlestop etc? 
    Cpu voltage 0v that’s weird too
    Not intended. I installed Aida64 and did a reboot before running the stresstest. No tools running or and predator sense all on default. Should the CPU voltage be -0.125 ? As far as i remember i always saw the 0 there... thought it must be some driver/software problem.
    Yes cpu must show some voltage
    But cpu temp is more or less normal anyway while gpu is so unrealistic, it’s around 10C lower than usual although core and mem clocks and TDP 80w is normal
    I think no one here can have 70C on gpu even after repast even with liquid metal 

    You don’t use cooling pad? Ambient temp is normal around 20C?
    Your timespy and firestrike scores normal?
  • Rouven
    Rouven Member Posts: 10


    No Pad, just a book under the notebook, to lift the back side an inch and i´m sitting in an cormfortable living room. 
    I dont know what the normal scores on firestrike and timespy should be. I lately did Unigene heaven 4.0 benches in extreme and fullhd and scored around 2100. Mostly a bit lower.