TC-855-E15. Possible Upgrades: Asus Video Card 4G, Case Fan, and RAM

TheDove Member Posts: 14


edited March 2024 in 2020 Archives
Hi.  I'm finding it hard to find anything on a E15 online.  I got mine at Best Buy on sale.  It's plenty fast but realized some games won't work because it's intel UHD630.  Though it seems to work with Warcraft current expansion(BFA) and looks like it will work for the next expansion.  I was looking at this video card by Asus at BestBuy.  It says 300w psu and it's an 8.03 in double slot card.  I'm wondering if it covers completely the other slot and if that slot just uses a cable or direct in.  Anyone else trying that video card?

(I can't remember though I worked on these long ago before they were easily bought here)  I looked at the 4G card because some games call for a 2-4G and also looking at how long it will last.  I did look at a 6G card but it is even longer.

Also it came with 12G ram which means 4 in one slot 8 in another.  How do these sound 32G(Corsair) or Kensington(like what is installed) or 8G to raise the 12 to 16?  I'm wondering what is the usual requirements for VR if I were to use it for VR?  

I seem fine now and this is more ram than my old computer(an i3-3220 with 8G ram). It's just trying to figure out what games will run with this UHD630 without an upgrade.  The 12G ram otherwise is plenty for now.  Any suggestions for a case fan for one of these?  I usually use BestBuy and Staples.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,605 Trailblazer
    Sure it's not a TC-885? I don't find anything on an 855. Same thing with the E15, there should be four characters on the SKU. If it's a TC-885 they shipped with a 500W PSU so you shouldn't have any power issues. The GPU on those systems shipped with one included is a half length card like the one you are looking at, so should fit in. The motherboard has two expansion slots that sit side by side, so the double slot card will fit fine, but block you from using the second slot. Likely that won't be a problem, the second slot is only X1...
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  • TheDove
    TheDove Member Posts: 14


    Hi yes that is a TC-885 oops.  But yes on the E15 it says it on the box and it is hard to look up.  It didn't come with a video card just the UHD630.  From what I found on forums people seemed afraid of the length of video card might hit the other cards.  

    Not sure if it would completely block the m.2 slot but probably if it's not connected with a ribbon cable.  I don't have anything in that one.  I've thought of using my wifi or Bluetooth slot sometime for a second drive since I don't really use either and have a wifi router.  I do use both sometimes but not often because I don't like leaving it on.  My multipurpose printer also has it but it's off when not in use.  

    Anyways would a 4G card play most of the games with this system?  I believe it's fast enough especially with the 12G ram as long as I had a better card.  But if I got a 2G card that is likely to not play anything in 1-2 years depending on the game.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,605 Trailblazer
    There's no issue with the M.2 slot, anything installed there stays nice and flat to the motherboard, so doesn't stick up enough to worry. I agree with you that a 4GB card will be a lot more 'future proof' than a 2GB card. Any of the modern card will play most of the games, though the cheaper ones will want to play in lower resolutions than the pricey ones. :)
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  • TheDove
    TheDove Member Posts: 14


    I just bought the low profile 1660 4G by Zotac because it was the smallest for airflow and only 75w(so don't have to shift my old Thermaltake 750W over).  Now I just have to get a back case fan and some ram cooler.  It seems ok and I'm mostly just playing wow for now.  I'm trying to remember though does LED Ram just have a pop off strip?  Not sure I want to use the light show.(or if there is a connector for it)