VG240Y Pbiip not applying user color mode on power cycle

Weaver Member Posts: 3 New User
edited February 16 in 2019 Archives
Hello. I just purchased a VG240Y Pbiip monitor. I spent a long time calibrating my monitor colours to my preference and saved them in the User Mode setting. However whenever the monitor shuts off - be it either by pressing the power button or by auto shut-off when the computer shuts off the color settings are reset.

I want to be clear - the monitor still SAYS its in user color mode but the screen is applying the standard mode colours.
Further this seems to ONLY apply to the RGain, BGain, and GGain options. Any Bias, 6-axis hue or 6-axis saturate settings stay set.
Upon going into the menu and switching one of the colour options the colors re-apply and set to the correct values.

More info - any color mode that isn't User mode will apply (eg, Normal color mode will apply)

This is unacceptable. I can't possibly be expected to re-calibrate my monitor every single time I put my computer to sleep.

To test
Save a really obvious color profile to the User Settings. I recommend setting R Gain to 100.
Save and close OSD.
Notice the screen is really red.
Turn monitor off.
Turn monitor on.
Notice the screen has no longer applied the R Gain of 100.
Navigate to color menu and notice the monitor says its in User Mode and that R Gain is 100 but is not displaying as such.


  • Weaver
    Weaver Member Posts: 3 New User
    Contacted support and they're making me ship the monitor back so they can presumably update the firmware. I will do so but in the mean time will likely just buy a different monitor lol. It's absurd to me the quality control on these are so bad something as simple as applying a colour profile doesn't work. It's a shame cause it seems like a great monitor else wise.