SP314-53N (SPIN 3) compatible with acer active stylus acs-032 the pen doesn't work with my computer

ULAY Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2022 in Swift and Spin Series
hello, I bought the original acer active stylus acs-032, unfortunately the pen doesn't work with my computer. can it work somehow? 
according to this table https://scandic.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/42666/~/acer-products-that-support-an-active-stylus 
the only stylus support in this laptop model is Maxeye (NC.23811.06F) is that really the case or are they any other options ?
[Edited the thread to add the issue detail]


  • Jack22
    Jack22 ACE Posts: 4,325 Pathfinder
    The sheet which you have is the right one. I dont think any other stylus will be compatible for your spin laptop.

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  • misterspike
    misterspike Member Posts: 9


    this seems to be the only stylus that Acer UK sell but possibly not compatible with the Spin 3? Has anyone tested this?
    The US product page seems to have contradictory info on it
  • Emgee
    Emgee Member Posts: 1 New User


    This is an old thread but I have a similar question. I have an Acer 852t-C0E1 and I want to buy a stylus for it. It isn't an 852tn model. What can I use? Is the Acer Active Series Stylus ACS-032 compatible?

    Thanks for your help!

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    The non-N model doesn't have an active digitizer, so only the capacitive pens will work, they are the type with the blunt rubber tip that acts like a finger.

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  • aa11
    aa11 Member Posts: 12


    if you think the new pen doesn't work or you think the battery is dead. First you need to know if your pen has a charge. I have not yet found a way to test the pen or to know what charge it is required to have. I presume I could use a multimeter and test the two contacts on the side of pen to see if they are showing any voltage. It would be nece if there was a way, also, to externally charge the pend. Being that acer only privided one way to charge the pen, which is a charging port inside the slot. but there is no indicators to show that conttacts were made with the pen or that a charge is happenning, either on the pen or side next to the slot (such as an indicator led? or through software on the laptop. With that said. I had a problem with my pen suddenly, seemingly, stopping working. I instinctively knew that it was likely there is no power in the pen. but i could not test the pen was juiced up or not. Also, if it was not powered up.. the most obvious problem was the contacts on the pen or the charging port were dirty. So i examined them with magnifier using my iphone. and cleaned the contact on the sided of pen with some contact cleaner. and noticed that the pins inside the charging port seemed to be bent at an odd angle and not perpendiular and not parrellel to eachother. Not knowing what they should have looked like. I went with my gut and used a plastic toothpick and tried to at least bend them so they are parrallel and a bit more perpendicular to the. I stuck the pen back in the slot, being careful that i didn't do any twisting to get the correct side (the side with the contacts) out of place and firmly slotted it in the slot.. I left it in for just a few seconds and thought i will test is. And it worked! the screen was again response to the pen being near it. Apparenty the charging pins were not making contac with the contacts on the side of the pen. Sadly, Acer did not provide close up pictures on what the pins should look like in new condition. And although the pins are still a bit bent in a strange way. the pen now is getting charge when in the slot(never know for sure as i indicated above because there is no indicators on the pen or laptop of charging status or state of charge). Below is a comment i made on another thread. I am just posting it hear with the picture for yours and others to review and comment back on. Perhaps one of you has a better picture of those contace in new condition to share with us?

    are you not wanting to use the Acer Active Stylus because the one you had stopped working or you lost it? If you have it and it stopped working, you might be able to get it to work again using a troubleshooting method i used on mine. On the side of the active stylus there are to small gold color contacts it's of metal. and inside the storage slot there is a corresponding 2 metal bits that look like bent wires sitting next to each other and when you touch them.. they hae a little bit of a spring to them. And are meant to create contact with the metal bits on the side of the upper part of the pen. When i used the magnifier app to take a look at both of these parts to see their condition. I also cleaned the contacts on the pen with some isopropyl alcohol. And i used a plastic toothpick end with the magnifier to bend the metal so it sat more perpendicular. The idea is t make sure those contacts inside the slot are sitting in a position so they make contact with the contacts on the side of the pen. one of those contacts inside the slots was bent pretty badly. Not knowing exactly what they should look like in new conditions. I bent them a bit to make them sit more perpendicular and stuck the pen with the contact side correctly placed and let it sit for a couple of seconds and then took it out again to test it. And it worked.! My pen was alive again. So this info might be helpful to you too. I also am adding pictures i took of the contacts inside the slot before and after i bent them with the toothpick and pick of the type of toothpick i used. I used an iPhone with a magnifier app to zoom in close to take those pictures and to monitor the view while I was bending the contacts with the toothpick. I think they are still a little twisted.. but for now, at least they are again able to charge the pen. What I would like to see is some way to charge the pen, other than sticking it in the slot..perhaps like an external usb charger for the pen. I just need to know the specs on the charger inside the slot. I presume it is somewhere between a 1.5 and 5-volt dc charger in the slot?