Help - operating system not found? Backing up?

Jenniboo Member Posts: 1 New User
My Acer laptop has failed! It was working fine one day and then the next. Wouldn't work. Message in top left of black screen 'operating system not found' is displayed.
Have tried to f2 and f12 on advice of Acer support (on the phone). They've said it needs to go into them for repair. Seems the hard drive is the issue!
My other issue is I haven't backed up since we bought the laptop late Sept 2012. I honestly didn't think I'd need to with a newish laptop!!
Acer have said they won't back up when it gets to them as the manufacturer doesn't do this!! They'll just replace!
They said take it to local store to try get our 1000's of photos off!!
But won't this invalidate my warranty??

I can't call Acer again at min as my landline had died and my mobile wont allow me to call these expensive lines!!

Help please. I'd be totally gutted if we lose all our pics Smiley Sad

Thanks in advance


  • Joshua188
    Joshua188 Member Posts: 523 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    Well you may need to take the unit to a tech that would be able to pull some of that data. Best of luck though

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