Aspire 5 A515-54 slow internet (new laptop)

KatieMad Member Posts: 5


edited November 2023 in 2020 Archives
Hi there,
I bought an Aspire 5 A515-54 yesterday which has core i7, so I thought the internet would be either normal or faster than my last much older laptop. It's actually slower. I have a month's free Norton subscription on it, so I'm not sure if that's the problem. Has anyone else experienced slow to load videos or slow to load pages on a new Aspire 5?
Many thanks,


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Open DeviceManager. Click 'network adapters' folder. Right click on wifi or wlan adapter. Click 'properties'. Click 'advanced' tab. Click 'preferred band'. Change 'no preference'  to 2.4GHz band. If still no joy, change to 5GHz band. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • KatieMad
    KatieMad Member Posts: 5


    Hi Jack, thank you so much. I tried both of these and believe or not my laptop would not connect to/work from my wifi at all on the 5GHz band. I rang up the Acer support number in my warranty & the agent suggested uninstalling the Intel(R) wireless altogether, restarting & then connecting to my wifi provider again. That seemed to make the internet work much faster, so I'm happier! Previously, it wasn't loading videos, which I thought was really strange for an intel corei7. The agent was pretty sure it was something to do with the bandwidth of my wifi, as I told him my phone was working just fine from my home wifi hub connection. I shall see how it goes, and if it gets slower again, I shall ring them back. But thanks so much for your help, it's great to know of other advanced options. Much appreciated indeed, Katie
  • Balu
    Balu Ally Posts: 95

    If your speed test confirms your internet is slow, you should try connecting to multiple websites and using multiple devices in your home if your Internet connection is slow. If the slowness is just with one website, it’s probably that website’s problem—not your internet’s. There’s not really anything you can do about this except wait for the people in charge of the website to fix it.

    Narrowing down where the problem lies will help you fix it. Does the slowness just happen on one computer, or all your devices? If it’s just one computer, you know the solution probably lies there. You may just have to reboot the computer, or you may need to perform a malware scan with your preferred antivirus to check that everything is fine. If the slowness happens on multiple devices—multiple computers, for example, or your computer and your phone—then it’s almost certainly a network problem, and you’ll have to go to your router.

    If u like the answer hit accept 

  • manjs
    manjs Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi Katie.  I bought Acer Aspire A515-52 with i7 processor yesterday.
    I was facing the same issue. I disconnected wifi from all devices connected to the same network.
    Also, I tried the procedure which JackE has mentioned & connected it to 2.4GHz. It seems okay now.
  • JelleF
    JelleF Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi ,

    Having the issue on super slow / not working  WiFi also .
    Found lots of overkill topics in fixing .. reinstall drivers ( which i did .. didnt work ) .... some people got new labtops etc argh dont.. but in my case 

    go to device manager ( windows + x  ,device manager)
    right-click wifi adaptor --> advanced --> 
    In the list of properties click/select  (probably the second ) option : 802 11 n/ac/ax wireless modus 
    Disable it ! ( value 1. Disabled )

    This fixed it because it was interfering with the 802 11 a/b/g  wireless modus which the router was requiring.
    --> speed back to normal . yay .

    This solution has also been reported in other topics as i traced back but this is a nasty bit of craparoni,
    So just try this out before thinking hardware of software is failing.


  • MadDob
    MadDob Member Posts: 1 New User
    Had the same problem with my new A515-55.
    Follow jelleF's suggestion and presto speed gets back. Thank you.
    This problem is so hidden that I have struggled on and off for close to 3 weeks and was ready to give up and try to return the new laptop for refund as I could not even get to this site.
    Luckily my old laptop was able to find this site.