Battery not showing that it discharges



  • magicznywojtek
    magicznywojtek Member Posts: 16


    XdxD said:
    sri369 said:
    Reinstalling drivers and recalibrating, sadly, did not help, battery still shows different percentage when not plugged in :(
    Does it show a battery percentage under 94% when you take it off the charger. As long as it shows between 95 to 100 you are good. It is NOT a hardware problem. And it will NOT be solved no matter what you do on any major OS. This is a safety feature to extend battery life.

    On the other hand, if you pull it off charger when it says fully charged and it shows something under 94%, then you have a problem either with battery or with battery calibration.
    Checked in my G3-572 and it shows 97% without adaptor and 100% with adaptor.
    Thank you for checking this! Could you also confirm that your laptop uses battery when on turbo mode and has to charge after about and hour (sometimes half) of gaming? 
  • magicznywojtek
    magicznywojtek Member Posts: 16


    XdxD said:
    sri369 said:
    Reinstalling drivers and recalibrating, sadly, did not help, battery still shows different percentage when not plugged in :(
    Does it show a battery percentage under 94% when you take it off the charger. As long as it shows between 95 to 100 you are good. It is NOT a hardware problem. And it will NOT be solved no matter what you do on any major OS. This is a safety feature to extend battery life.

    On the other hand, if you pull it off charger when it says fully charged and it shows something under 94%, then you have a problem either with battery or with battery calibration.
    Checked in my G3-572 and it shows 97% without adaptor and 100% with adaptor.
    Thank you for checking this! Could you also confirm that your laptop uses battery when on turbo mode and has to charge after about and hour (sometimes half) of gaming? 
  • xapim
    xapim ACE Posts: 7,253 Pathfinder
    edited October 2019
    magicznywojtek its completely normal that the battery discharges while gaming after all its the battery main purpose on any gaming laptop it was made to help the adapter to provide enough power when this one cant and also bare in mind if you use an external display and many devices connected to the usb ports the more battery drain you will have while on AC especially if you use them directly to the usb ports of through a non powered usb hub

    I can give you a good ex i have a 5tb 2.5" external drive where i have about 80/90% of my almost 130 games installed and i run them from there usually i dont have much battery drain but if i play a more demanding game for a long period of time i will always have battery drain eve if the game its in the internal drive and the external is still draining power from the usb 3.0/usb-c ports so as i said its normal it was made to work like this it will trickle charge when it goes under 95% and when the battery reaches 40% or under you will loose all performance as the adapter will start to recharge the battery and cannot provide enough power to the cpu/gpu at the same time you when this happens you have to stop what you are doing and let it recharge to 100% and then continue also never use it one battery only if you have to in an emergency use it for light works only so as you said you were sending it back well they will not do anything to it because theres nothing wrong with it its a completely normal feature also the trickle charge prevents the battery from overcharging increasing its life span assuming its properly taken care off and calibrated once every 3 months or so

    UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%
    CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) - 41.9%
    SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%
    HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%
    RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%
    MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

    I'm not an Acer employee. (just here to help in the best way i can)
    If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks :)
    If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:

    Owner/Admin (HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka)
    Acer support:  

  • magicznywojtek
    magicznywojtek Member Posts: 16


    edited November 2019
    My laptop had returned, Acer support had informed me that showing 100% when beyond 95% is a normal feature introduced by Windows. They also supposedly made some test under high load and everything should be ok. But I still am puzzled about the whole thing. Whenever I check anything about the power consumption, it seems that this laptop should have no problem and certainly not discharge the battery. There are articles like this one or videos (7:16 minute) Their helios 300 doesn't suffer from battery drain so why does mine? Yesterday I had a even longer session (about 3 hours) of Watch Dogs 2 and did sadly discharge below the magical barrier of 95% and went lower (to about 87%, because that is when I turnned off the game for a break). I did not use turbo mode, just normal gaming...
  • magicznywojtek
    magicznywojtek Member Posts: 16


    And I have just noticed that my speakers begun to crack randomly just like in the old one... Something's just wrong
  • magicznywojtek
    magicznywojtek Member Posts: 16


    I have written to OwnOrDisown channel and their Acer Helios 300 didn't suffer from any energy drain while gaming in turbo mode...
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Member Posts: 1 New User
    How's your laptop holding up now? I'm experiencing the same problem too. When its plugged in, it shows 100% battery and when its pulled out, shows 98%. Were you able to fix it?
  • magicznywojtek
    magicznywojtek Member Posts: 16


    Yakisoba said:
    How's your laptop holding up now? I'm experiencing the same problem too. When its plugged in, it shows 100% battery and when its pulled out, shows 98%. Were you able to fix it?
    Acer Tech support is the most ***** bunch of people I have ever interacted with. First, the support gut informed via the phone that it is a bug in windows, a month later that changed to "it's not a bug, it's a feature", but once I actually sent my laptop to them it turned out that it magically works normally for them and the battery stays at 100% at all times (which was clearly not the case, so I suspect they did not even try to replicate the issue). So I thought, screw that, I have wasted enough energy on that piece of junk, I still have some cash and I would gladly get rid of my Helios. So, I sold my laptop to some unlucky buyer somewhere in January and bought myself a nice PC gaming rig for a much lesser price. Honestly, it's great, no more stress, no more acer support, just gaming. And yes, I'd rather have a mobile machine, but a fully working one at that. So what I can recommend you to do is to either sell your Helios, buy a PC and a cheap mobile laptop, or prepare to suffer.