My Ferrari 4005 card reader can read MMC but not SD cards
I am usind XP 32 bit sp3 and latest drivers. As far I know card reader shouls be able to read SD cards, not just MMCs. Device manager does not show any prblems and in Explorer, MMCs appear but SD card does not cause any reactions. SD card (microSD with adapter) work fine in my phone (Samsung GT-S8075 Trend Plus)
Any hints what to do? I know this is quite old laptop but I really like it.
How many GB is the SD card? Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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64, is that too much for my Ferrari?
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Yes, way too much. The most your card reader can ***reliably*** see is a FAT32 formatted 16GB SD card. Some 32GB cards might work. Sorry. Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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I have tried FAT32 formatted SD card but same result as earlier. Is this BIOS, WIndows or HW related problem? In some cases linux might be an answer (like too big HDDs, Linux can exceed max size limited by BIOS)
Or is there any SW updates or drivers by other manufacturers that could help? E.g. I had WLAN USB stick by Dlink but best driver was for TI stick... same ICs, of course
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Sorry, I forgot to mentioned that this new card was 1 GB
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You can try to format to NTFS to see if it makes a difference. The only way to rule out a reader issue is to insert a known good full size SD card of 16GB or less. Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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As far I know only FAT32 is supported, not NTFS? FAT32 is so widely used that it should be the easiest to read, NTFS is not supported by eg most phones and cameras
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Is it a full size SD card or are you still using the micro adapter? We've got to try to eliminate the adapter as a possible cause. Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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I have tried both microSD with adapter and 1G full size SD. This is quite wierd because MMC can be seen in Explorer but SD card does to cause anything.
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Open ControlPanel. Then search 'disk management'. If it's found, does the MMC show up? If yes, does the 1GB full size SD card show up? Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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That I have not yet tried, I do not have memory cards with me now. But I know that there is a newer version of drivers.. IOBIT Driver Booster was kind enough to report it but because I am using free version I could not update it.
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Also AVG driver update application reported new version of driver, datum was different but version number the same!! And again, this was free application, but if you like to download newer version, you have to buy "normal" version...
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I could not locate " disk management" in conrol panel, because I am using Windows XP (finish version btw, this is second hand laptop)
AVG driver updater informed:
old 1.4.2005 new 14.12.2007
and here comes the wierd piece of news: the 1G SD card I have used in my camera (Canon A70 if I remember right), I have taken pictures nad erased them. Now I notised a small switch, "lock", and changed to other position. Now my laptop can read it! Unfortunately I do not have microSD adapter with me so I can not test if 64G memory card also work now, it is possible that driver booster updated driver (free version 8 updates/day)
AVG showed me that there are 340 devices that are not connected to this laptop and asked if I like to remove them, everything fron Ihone to GPS navigator, former owner had really tested a lot of "toys"
Btw, this is my second Ferrari, I mean Acer laptop 4005, I sold earlie my first one but for some reason or other, I had to buy new, similar one.....
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Remove AVG. Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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AVG can not be the reason because I installed it long time after this problem occered. I tried to get "better" drivers from TI and, of cource, ". Unfortunately, we can no longer provide support for obsolete products as the resources are no longer accessible, even to the support center."
So 1G SD used in camera was accepted by laptop when "locked", after reboot vice versa, now "unlocked" is recognized. Still microSD is not recognized, locked or not. No error messages, nothing.
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>>>AVG can not be the reason>>>Sorry. That's not the point. AVG just complicates trying to resolve this issue by running in the background of an obsolete operating environment that's not certified to work microcard/adapter technology that wasn't even available at the time. Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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Thank´s for the clarification, I will remove AVGs (virus guoard + driver updater). Btw, couple months ago I removed Avast with Revo uninstaller, and installed it again. I saved a lot of disk space and laptop become much faster. It looks like unnnecessary updates just cause problems, like with Windows.
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>>>unnnecessary updates just cause problems, like with Windows.>>>What updates are you referring to? Regular XP updates ended years ago? Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ
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Updates ofter add something, and leave older data untouched, just taking space. This is well known in every Windows version, I am using both XP and 7, btw
Dóes anyone know if this card reader is used in other Acer models? Sometimes different drivers are used even when the HW is the same
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>>>I am usind XP 32 bit sp3 >>>>>>I am using both XP and 7>>>I still don't understand what you mean by "updates". WinXP isn't being updated anymore. Also please explain how you are using both WinXP and Win7 on the same machine? Jack E/NJ
Jack E/NJ