Aspire E5-575G-57D4 - Windows 10 May 2019 Update Version 1903 won't install due to Intel RST issue

Misty17 Member Posts: 4 New User
edited October 2023 in 2020 Archives


Intel and Microsoft have found incompatibility issues with certain versions of the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) drivers and the Windows 10 May 2019 Update.  If your device has an Intel® RST driver version between and installed, it cannot install the May 2019 Update.

Versions or later are compatible, and a device that has these drivers installed can install the Windows 10 May 2019 Update. For affected devices, the recommended version is

Next steps

To resolve this issue, you will need to update the Intel® RST drivers for your device to version or a later.  Check with your device manufacturer (OEM) to see if an updated driver is available and install it. You can also download the latest Intel® RST drivers directly from Intel at Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) User Interface and Driver.  Once your drivers are updated, you can restart the installation process for the May 2019 Update.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Go to this link and enter your full ACER model (for example E5-xxx?) to download and install the newest IRST driver version

    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Misty17
    Misty17 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Trailbalzer, thank you for replying.  I went there and don't see an IRST driver to update.  There's quite a few other things to update but no IRST driver.
  • Misty17
    Misty17 Member Posts: 4 New User
    I just noticed in Device Manager under Storage Controllers I don't even have Intel, just Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller.  This is getting too involved LOL
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    You better state your full ACER model number. E5-xxx? ES1-xx? What is it? I really don't have a clue what your ACER model number is? There are probably hundreds of E&F series models. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • 678
    678 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I encounter the same problem om my ACER model SF314-51 when trying to add the latest Windows update. However when searching for the latest RST driver for this model on the ACER website I can see that it only supports version See the following link:
    <a href="" title="Link:"></a><br><br>I am therefore not able to update to a version of the driver through the ACER website that is supported by the Windows 10, version 1903. Since the minimum level is version

    The question is how to proceed from here. Any guidance?

    I suspect that downloading the latest driver from Intel is not the right way to go, since it is not supported by my ACER model. However, Windows update states that the version prior to Windows 10, version 1903 is getting close to end of support, so an update is needed at some point in time.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Relax. 1809 is good till next May. Between now and then further 1903 maintenance tweaks or ACER updates may make 1903 magically install. Or the next major Win10 version (1909??? or 1908???) will be released in a few months and magically install making a failed 1903 installation a moot point. Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • Misty17
    Misty17 Member Posts: 4 New User
    My Acer model is E5-575G-57D4
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    OK. Go to this link, download and run the Intel Driver Update tool
    Report back with results. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • LynneT
    LynneT Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi everyone, I am facing the same problem trying to upgrade to Windows 10 version 1903.  I checked the relevant Microsoft status page, and it says Versions or later are compatible, and a device that has these drivers installed can install the Windows 10 May 2019 Update. For affected devices, the recommended version is  I have an Acer Aspire TC-780, and the support at Acer has not got this listed on drivers I could download for my machine. Can anyone from Acer confirm whether I can go to Intel and download the recommended version from there?  I am just little bit fed up that Windows update keeps trying to install the update and keeps failing. I am more concerned about the what the repeated attempts are doing to my PC than getting the update itself.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
      Go to this link download and try Intel's driver update tool
    Driver updates like this are relatively harmless and reversible if they don't work out. Don't worry about 1903 if it doesn't install now because 1803 and 1809 are still being supported with maintenance updates. Beside a future 1903 tweak by Microsoft may allow it to magically install. If not, the next major update in the fall  (1910 or 1911???)  will likely install, hopefully without messing something else up on your machine.   :o Then fretting about not being able to install 1903 will be a moot point. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • LynneT
    LynneT Member Posts: 2 New User
    Thanks, JackE, I have used the update tool and you can see from the picture below that Intel has only an update available that still does not meet the Microsoft version recommendation.  I think it would be pointless for me to download this software and think my problem will be resolved.  I will wait a couple of weeks to see if Microsoft or Intel have made any changes.

  • peteraj19
    peteraj19 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Same problem with Intel RST update. Thanks for the advice believe I'll wait as well.
  • Zolock
    Zolock Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have the same problem, not being able to install 1903.  My real worry is that the ACER SF314-51 is still running with a very old version of the Intel RST driver, which is not supported and potentially prone to security issue. ACER needs to take action.
  • MHY
    MHY Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited January 2020
    Buenas tardes,

    Llevo desde hace unos meses intentando actualizar a la versión 1903, a la 1909, lo he intentado como una docena de veces después de ir probando los consejos de usuarios que han tenido algún problema. No hay manera, el error que me da es el 0xC900101 - 0x30018. Tengo un ACER Aspire 5750G,  y creo que la versión de Intel es He comprobado en la página de Intel y me dice que no hay actualizaciones disponibles. La última respuesta a este problema es de agosto... ¿se sabe alguna solución ya? ¿qué tengo que hacer? me resisto a formatearlo para que el resultado sea el mismo y este PC todavía no admita esta versión y seguir perdiendo el tiempo. Mientras tanto cada poco tiempo se descarga la versión y pide actualizarla porque ya se ha quedado sin servicio la versión anterior. En casa tenemos un ordenador de sobremesa que tiene el doble de años que este y otro la mitad, ninguno han dado problemas y han actualizado sin contratiempos.Tal vez la solución sea jubilar este portátil y comprar uno nuevo pero lo que tengo claro es que ACER NO!!!

    Good afternoon,
    I've been trying to upgrade to version 1903, to 1909 for a few months now, I've tried it a dozen times after trying the advice of users who have had a problem. There is no way, the error it gives me is 0xC900101 - 0x30018. I have an ACER Aspire 5750G, and I think the Intel version is I checked the Intel page and it tells me that there are no updates available. The last answer to this problem is from August ... do you know any solution yet? that I have to do? I resist formatting it so that the result is the same and this PC still does not support this version and keep wasting time. Meanwhile, the version is downloaded from time to time and asks to update it because the previous version has already run out of service. At home we have a desktop computer that is twice as old as this and another half, none have given problems and have updated smoothly. Maybe the solution is to retire this laptop and buy a new one but what I know is that ACER DO NOT!!!

    Edited the thread to translate from Spanish to English
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>Tengo un ACER Aspire 5750G>>>Mientras tanto cada poco tiempo se descarga la versión y pide actualizarla porque ya se ha quedado sin servicio la versión anterior. >>>

    >>>I have an ACER Aspire 5750G>>>Meanwhile, the version is downloaded from time to time and asks to update it because the previous version has already run out of service.>>>

    No. 1809 todavía tiene soporte de mantenimiento hasta mayo de 2020.    Sin embargo, este modelo de computadora portátil tiene casi 10 años. Está certificado solo bajo Windows7 con BIOS heredado. Lo sentimos, pero es probable que llegue un momento en que las principales actualizaciones de Win10 ya no se instalen debido a los graves problemas que puede crear con el hardware BIOS antiguo. Jack E/NJ

    No. 1809 still has maintenance support until May 2020. However, this laptop model is nearly 10 years old. It is certified only under Windows7 with legacy BIOS . Sorry, but there likely will come a time when major Win10 updates will no longer be installed due to serious problems it may create with older legacy BIOS hardware. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • MHY
    MHY Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited January 2020
    JackE said: >>>Tengo un ACER Aspire 5750G>>>Mientras tanto cada poco tiempo se descarga la versión y pide actualizarla porque ya se ha quedado sin servicio la versión anterior. >>>
    >>>I have an ACER Aspire 5750G>>>Meanwhile, the version is downloaded from time to time and asks to update it because the previous version has already run out of service.>>>

    No. 1809 todavía tiene soporte de mantenimiento hasta mayo de 2020.    Sin embargo, este modelo de computadora portátil tiene casi 10 años. Está certificado solo bajo Windows7 con BIOS heredado. Lo sentimos, pero es probable que llegue un momento en que las principales actualizaciones de Win10 ya no se instalen debido a los graves problemas que puede crear con el hardware BIOS antiguo. Jack E/NJ

    No. 1809 still has maintenance support until May 2020. However, this laptop model is nearly 10 years old. It is certified only under Windows7 with legacy BIOS . Sorry, but there likely will come a time when major Win10 updates will no longer be installed due to serious problems it may create with older legacy BIOS hardware. Jack E/NJ

    JackE por la rápida respuesta, tendré que desistir de actualizarlo y cambiarlo por otro, pero no es la solución más fácil desde luego, sigo pensando que es problema de ACER e INTEL pues en otros equipos más antiguos funciona sin problema. Un saludo,

    Thanks JackE for the quick response, I will have to give up updating it and changing it for another one, but it is not the easiest solution of course, I still think that it is ACER and INTEL problem because in other older equipment it works without problem. Greetings,

    Edited the thread to translate from Spanish to English