Acer Aspire ATC-705-UC52 - PC rebooting every 45 seconds with restore stuck at 64%.

JohnRoss Member Posts: 22 Troubleshooter
edited March 2024 in 2019 Archives
Aspire ATC-705-UC52 
1TB Hard Drive
12GB DDR3 Memory

I did a complete System Restore to restore my PC to factory settings by using the ACER factory installed software that came with my PC.

The PC now reboots every 45 seconds and seems to be stuck in a loop at 64% of completion. It has been doing this now for over 2 hours still stuck at 64%.

When I used the Acer software I chose not to save my personal files and to restore the PC as it came from ACER.

I have already tried to press the start button on the front of the PC three times to get into safe mode.  I am not able to get into safe mode while restarting when the swirling bubbles appear.

I would appreciate any help in resolving this issue.

Thank you


  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder

    I see that you've been struggling with this problem for several months now.

    I'm going to be honest with you.....when you first bought your computer, remember those annoying Acer popups that kept reminding you to create a USB factory recovery drive?   That's why Acer kept reminding you to create your USB recovery drive so that if at some point in the future, you had some major snafu, you could use your USB recovery drive.

    I have basicly the same desktop computer as you and the very first thing I did was read the owners manual, and the owners manual told me to create a USB recovery drive as soon as possible using Acer Care Center.  And then I got those popups reminding me too.    So I heeded their advice.  :)   

    But a lot of people either ignore or forget, so there's a couple things you can do.

    1.  You can use vanilla Windows 10.  You can get that directly from Microsoft.  It's free because you already have a Windows 10 license that came with your computer.

    2.  You can order your original Acer OEM recovery media from Acer.  (that's not free).

    Here's a couple more useful links...

    Don't forget to go in to the BIOS settings and enable the F12 boot menu so you can boot either the Microsoft or Acer USB drive or CD/DVD.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,260 Trailblazer
    While it's in the cycle try pressing and holding the shift key to see if that gets you into recovery mode...
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • JohnRoss
    JohnRoss Member Posts: 22 Troubleshooter
    I finally just turn the PC off then turned it back on, pressed the Alt + F10 keys which got me into windows restore where I went through the steps to restore the PC to factory settings.
    The problem I initially had I was going through ACER's app on my desktop.

    Thank you for your help!!
  • JordanB
    JordanB ACE Posts: 3,729 Pathfinder
    Ok great.  Glad you sorted it out.  I didn't suggest Alt + F10 because that had already been suggested a long time ago in link below and assumed you already tried that.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • JohnRoss
    JohnRoss Member Posts: 22 Troubleshooter
    edited July 2019
    I have two Acer computers that are exactly the same. The one you are referring to is not the same one I'm talkin about now.