file explorer: not responding: Aspire ES 1 - 522

georgegoddard Member Posts: 3 New User
edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
please help


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good afternoon georgegoddard !

    What EXACT model of your laptop?
    What version of Wndows?
    Ever reinstalled the factory system?
    Did you try to fix the system?

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    Caso contrario, fico a disposição para tentarmos sanar suas duvidas e resolver seus problemas!
    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

    If my answer was helpful, leave a Like, flag as Fixed and click Promote!
    Otherwise, I am willing to try to heal your doubts and solve your problems!
    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

    For users of the English, Spanish, French and German Community, I will be using Google Translate!
  • georgegoddard
    georgegoddard Member Posts: 3 New User
    I will do that in time,not had time to act on your advice yet.
  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    I'm waiting!
    Just post the result!

    Se minha resposta foi útil, deixe um Curtir, marque como Solucionado e clique em Promover!
    Caso contrario, fico a disposição para tentarmos sanar suas duvidas e resolver seus problemas!
    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

    If my answer was helpful, leave a Like, flag as Fixed and click Promote!
    Otherwise, I am willing to try to heal your doubts and solve your problems!
    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

    For users of the English, Spanish, French and German Community, I will be using Google Translate!