Nitro 5 AN515-42-R0WY - RAM Compatibility

VDB07 Member Posts: 5


edited June 2019 in Nitro Gaming
The question is in regards to the compatibility of an additional RAM stick with the already installed factory RAM, such that it runs in proper dual channel mode. My laptop (AN515-42-R0WY) has 2 DDR4 slots and comes with a single stick of Hynix HMA81GS6AFR8N RAM - (2400 MHz, 8GB, CL17, 1.2V). I understand that it would be ideal to find an identical stick, but that is simply impossible where I live, nobody sells Hynix RAM, as such, I found a similar Kingston module, KVR24S17S8/8 which has identical specifications as above mentioned. It seems to me, comparing info on the respective OEM sites (listed bellow), that they would run together just fine, however any additional input would be appreciated.

KVR24S17S8/8 -
