Laptop Screen Won't turn on and orange battery light beeping slowly on AN515-51

Executioner Member Posts: 1 New User
edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
So last year around July I bought this laptop. It was great as is, changed windows a couple of times. But the main problem started a week ago. I was casually browsing net or something when suddenly laptop display went black and that's when the oramge battery light starts to beep. The mouse i used would still have lights on so I guess it was still getting signal. I decided to take it where i bought it from. When they tried turning it on the laptop was normal was functioning. They said they would still like to keep it on supervision should the same problem arise. After 2 days they returned it saying it was normal however they still gave a new Windows. Took it home, Worked normal that night. So i thought the problem is over. But today morning it popped up again for some reason. I was just browsing my own local disk D when suddenly just like before, screen went off, backlit keys went off and the mouse still looks operational. The AC charger looks as if it's charging it so I guess the battery isn't completely drained out. But I don't understand what the problem is and need a solution to this properly. (PS : My native language is not English so sorry for any mistakes)


  • Hahaha
    Hahaha Member Posts: 243 Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Seems like it likes to go into sleep by itself. That’s what happens in sleep: orange blinking LED and external mouse, controller etc LED still remain lit up.
  • Hahaha
    Hahaha Member Posts: 243 Practitioner WiFi Icon
    Try going to control panel. Change what happens when you press the power button and set it to anything other than sleep. Then see if the problem persists. If it still does, it’s most likely the problem with the power button connection to the board.