Predator G9-793 shuts off by itself

GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
Hi everyone, I just came back from a 3-week training event and I come home to unwind after not being able to play anything for those 3 weeks and my laptop begins to malfunction.

Predator G9-793 worked fine for the last year without a single issue or hiccup
Go on 3 week event and leave laptop behind because I won't need it
Come back and download MORDHAU to play it and my laptop beeps twice, FPS drops down significantly and then maybe 10-15 seconds later the laptop shuts off on its own
Rinse and Repeat

I downloaded SpeedFan to monitor my temperatures thinking it was an overheating issue but my temperatures don't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. During regular use (i.e browsing the internet and talking on Discord with steam open in the background) my GPU temp is 40-46C, CPU temps range from 30-35C, and ACPI temp of 50C. When playing games GPU temp will typically rise 10C so 50-56C, CPU will be 40-50C and ACPI temp stays the same in the 50-55C range. I first experienced this issue with MORDHAU so I thought maybe there was an issue with the game and uninstalled it, reinstalled it and same thing. Then I uninstalled it and ran Wither 3, which I have 100s of hours on and never experienced this issue before and boom, it shuts off after maybe 15-20 minutes of playing. I had no issue with Counter Strike: Global Offensive or League of Legends, so it's typically with more graphic intensive games which is what leads me to believe that it is an overheating issue. I haven't opened up my laptop yet to check if my fans are all working properly since that might void the warranty. Has anyone else experienced this issue and come up with a solution? I am trying to figure out an in-house solution before I send it back to ACER for repair and I don't know how long that repair will take and I'm going to need my laptop back before 20JUN.

Thanks for everyone who has made it this far and is willing to assist 




  • RodrigoDavidmingo
    RodrigoDavidmingo Member Posts: 1 New User
    Get a new laptop LUL!
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
     Also download and try speccy freeware if you're doubtful about what speedfan or the ACER apps are telling you. The temps you're reporting are no where near where shutdowns would happen. Your battery must be near 100% charged, charger plugged in, and Control Panel power plan set to performance mode BEFORE heavy gaming loads. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • GothicKnight
    GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


    JackE said:
     Also download and try speccy freeware if you're doubtful about what speedfan or the ACER apps are telling you. The temps you're reporting are no where near where shutdowns would happen. Your battery must be near 100% charged, charger plugged in, and Control Panel power plan set to performance mode BEFORE heavy gaming loads. Jack E/NJ

    SpeedFan is giving me the same temps as speccy. Laptop is fully charged and plugged in and set on high performance mode while plugged in and still having the same issues. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    >>>laptop beeps twice, FPS drops down significantly and then maybe 10-15 seconds later the laptop shuts off on its own>>>

    Go to the elevated command prompt.  Enter 'powercfg /batteryreport'. Then return to the desktop. Open file explorer. Then search for' battery-report.html' in the c:\windows\system32\ sub-folder. Double-click to open it in the browser. Compare design capacity with full charge capacity. Post screenshot if possible. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • GothicKnight
    GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


    Is this what you are looking for? I'm not entirely sure what I am comparing here.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Yes, that's what I wanted to see. You're battery looks super so far. So it probably rules it out as a the cause. However you said >>>laptop beeps twice, FPS drops down significantly and then maybe 10-15 seconds later the laptop shuts off on its own>>>

    So I'd like to see the same report immediately after another shut down happens like this. Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Another thing. Immediately after it happens, also unplug the charger. Then try to boot it up again without the charger. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • GothicKnight
    GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


    Hey Jack, finally experienced another crash since your last reply. Did as instructed, disconnected my laptop from the charger and booted it back up without any issue. Here it is 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Is this the only crash in 5 days!!!!? Did you use the machine every day or only occasionally? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • GothicKnight
    GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


    JackE said:
    Is this the only crash in 5 days!!!!? Did you use the machine every day or only occasionally? Jack E/NJ
    I used the computer every day only browsing the internet and playing low graphic, non-intensive games such as Counter-Strike and League of Legends. 
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    Battery and charger still look excellent.  What  bothers me in your first post ">>>Come back and download MORDHAU to play it and my laptop beeps twice, FPS drops down significantly and then maybe 10-15 seconds later the laptop shuts off on its own>>>" So was the latest crash heralded by the same 2 beeps and FPS drops about 10-15 seconds before it shut off on its own?  Or was it a different kind of crash? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • GothicKnight
    GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


    JackE said:
    Battery and charger still look excellent.  What  bothers me in your first post ">>>Come back and download MORDHAU to play it and my laptop beeps twice, FPS drops down significantly and then maybe 10-15 seconds later the laptop shuts off on its own>>>" So was the latest crash heralded by the same 2 beeps and FPS drops about 10-15 seconds before it shut off on its own?  Or was it a different kind of crash? Jack E/NJ

    SO this time around it did the 2 beeps but didn't crash. I was playing Pummel Party (not really an intensive game by any means, it's meant to be a party game so everyone can play it) and it did 2 beeps again followed by a significant FPS drop but this time it kept chugging along. I was fully expecting my laptop to shut off after the first set of beeps but nothing, then again with the second set of beeps and nothing. It total it must have done about 6 sets, maybe 7, of beats before it ran smooth for about 5-8 minutes and then shut off unexpectedly without any warning beeps. I was monitoring my temperatures throughout my playing time and temps never went above 60C for GPU nor CPU.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    >>>I just came back from a 3-week training event and I come home to unwind after not being able to play anything for those 3 weeks and my laptop begins to malfunction. >>>

    Was it off for 3-weeks in a warm & humid environment? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • GothicKnight
    GothicKnight Member Posts: 7


    JackE said:
    >>>I just came back from a 3-week training event and I come home to unwind after not being able to play anything for those 3 weeks and my laptop begins to malfunction. >>>

    Was it off for 3-weeks in a warm & humid environment? Jack E/NJ
    It was in my room the entire time, I do live in military barracks so it is possible the AC shut off during that time but it is never humid in here, and when the AC is off the temp is usually around 75F at the max. So i'm going to answer yes it was off and no to warm and humid.
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,222 Trailblazer
    OK. Let's try this. Right click the battery icon in the tray. Click 'power options'. Click 'change plan settings' for whatever plan is selected. Adjust plan brightness so it's really low on battery alone and really high plugged in. The reason being, so that the next time this happens you can definitely see a big screen brightness dimunition  if a charger disruption or power glitch has occurred. I think it's possible that t his might be triggering an inadvertent 'normal' shutdown almost as if you had purposely shut down Windows.  An abnormal shutdown, if it wasn't too abrupt without warning, will usually trigger an error message on starting the machine back up again that Windows was not shut down properly.  Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ