Holo360 Video Recording 3.8GB file size limit

jay360 Member Posts: 4 New User
edited March 2024 in 2019 Archives
When recording 360 video on the Holo360 , I set the max size to "No Limit". However, in 4K mode, after 18:04 minutes of shooting, the Camera say "size limit full" and stops filming. The file size is 3.80 GB. It's storing it on my 64 GB SD card. When I ran the camera in 2K mode, I got 27:04 minutes of footage, but still a max of 3.8 GB file.

Is there a way to have the camera automatically start a new file and keep recording?

Best Answer

  • jay360
    jay360 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Answer ✓
    I've figured it out.

    When making the microSD card "internal" storage, Android asks if you want to "move data to new storage". This apparently not only moves existing media, but moves the folders the Camera app records to as well. Thus, subsequent recordings from the Camera app to "internal" storage record to the card. I didn't choose this option the first time I put the card in, because there was no media to move, and I didn't realize it affected future media recordings as well as anything current.

    On testing, it recorded a 40 minute 8.43GB video file before I stopped it due to having to leave to do something else. Checking storage in Android settings, the video was obviously being stored on the SD card. Plugging the Holo360 into my PC, it now shows only the SD card instead of the internal storage in File Explorer. Prior, when I had made the microSD "internal" but didn't "move data to new storage" it showed only the built-in internal storage, and not the microSD. 


  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,401 Trailblazer
    edited April 2019
    IIUC the specs, you have to format SD card in exFAT:

  • jay360
    jay360 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Thanks. I was able to record for longer to the internal memory, but there's limited space.  

    I checked the microSD card, which had been new and which the camera formatted when I first put it in, and it's FAT32. I've tried formatting it as exFAT on a PC, but when I put it into the Holo360, it says the SD card is unsupported and gives me two options to format it as
    • Portable Storage
    • Internal Storage
    Portable Storage just formats it as FAT32 again. Selecting Internal Storage, the Camera app doesn't see it as an SD card anymore, so I can only record to Internal, and the Camera app records to the internal "internal" instead of the SD card "internal."
  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    edited April 2019

    I'd try NTFS, that also supports large file sizes.

    BTW does your Holo360 take sharp pictures in "normal" mode ? Mine all come out fuzzy both front and rear.

  • jay360
    jay360 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Typically, Android doesn't support NTFS. I just tried formatting the microSD in NTFS, and inserting it back in, the Holo360 says "Unsupported Samsung SD card. Tap to set up in a supported format" at which point it gives me the "portable/internal storage" options again. This is the same as what it does when I insert it in while formatted as exFAT.

    padgett, if by "normal" you mean a flat, 2D image, then I just tried it, and it's pretty low resolution. However, if you flip between the 360 and 2D camera for the same shot, you'll see why. The 2D is basically taking a severe center crop of the fisheye image. If I take a 360 picture and save the "current view" to get the "globe" shot, the part of that image that is visible in the 2D image is only like 1/10th of the "globe" shot. The 2D image actually looks better than zooming in on the "globe" to the same part, but it's still not great.

    I didn't get this for its 2D capabilities though. 360 stills and video all the way. 

    I'm somewhat surprised nobody else has hit the file size limitation, from what I can find. I thought a 360 camera would be neat to put in an audience for an event like a concert, lecture, author reading, etc. 
  • jay360
    jay360 Member Posts: 4 New User
    Answer ✓
    I've figured it out.

    When making the microSD card "internal" storage, Android asks if you want to "move data to new storage". This apparently not only moves existing media, but moves the folders the Camera app records to as well. Thus, subsequent recordings from the Camera app to "internal" storage record to the card. I didn't choose this option the first time I put the card in, because there was no media to move, and I didn't realize it affected future media recordings as well as anything current.

    On testing, it recorded a 40 minute 8.43GB video file before I stopped it due to having to leave to do something else. Checking storage in Android settings, the video was obviously being stored on the SD card. Plugging the Holo360 into my PC, it now shows only the SD card instead of the internal storage in File Explorer. Prior, when I had made the microSD "internal" but didn't "move data to new storage" it showed only the built-in internal storage, and not the microSD.