Hello there guys,
My Acer Aspire V Nito VN7, turned off automatically, while playing "Warframe" without any kind of signs of a problem. I could not make it turn on again, decided to check the charger, and it had an output of 1 volt slowly going down. I thought the charger had an issue, but as soon as I unplugged it from the AC electric outlet into another one, it showed 19 vots again, tested the charger with another system that consumes a similar amperage, and the charger works completely fine, I thought it was the AC electric outlet, but that was fine too, I was puzzled, tried turning it on again, and nothing happened, refused to turn on, checked the charger again, and it had 1 volt going down again, so I guess that is like a short circuit protection? Maybe it is something logical? I have no idea...
I saw a post about one of these computers not turning on and tried one of the procedures, but nothing changed, that this laptop does not have an internal battery might have an issue with that?