How do I get a refund for a monitor that was never delivered? (From Acer Recertified)

Hlallu Member Posts: 4 New User
edited February 2024 in 2019 Archives
Preface: Some of this is biased and sounds upset, I apologize. I am biased against FedEx and in general just disappointed and upset by this whole ordeal. Also, I firmly believe FedEx is inept; They've lost 3 separate +$100 deliveries in the 8 months I've lived in this location and REFUSE to do anything about it. I have gotten refunds on 1 of those but the other 2 are just gone to the wind and outside of court I have no idea what to do. Anyway, the relevant information starts below.

I ordered a monitor off of the Recertified site on Fed 28th and was informed of it's 'delivery' on the 7th of March. The problem arose when I got home and looked for the monitor and it wasn't anywhere to be found. I have 2 roommates, college town and they had just graduated so they are on the job hunt (see degenerates that never leave our apartment), and they were both home all day in the living room playing games and reading respectively and they both swear there was never a knock and that they were checking the hallway for my monitor more than once an hour all day since we all knew it was coming.

I have confirmed that they checked for the package with our camera that is pointing at the door (we are legally not allowed to film other residents doors so the camera is mostly pointed down in front of our door and tilted slightly to see the front door to the building). The monitor was never brought into our apartment building. FedEx seems to have differing ideas on where the monitor is so I can't say for sure what happened but I can say with 100% certainty (assuming the driver didn't sneak in a window or something) no FedEx driver went into our building on that day. I currently don't have the patience or temperament to remember everything that they did but it boiled down to them mailing me a "Proof of delivery" receipt and effectively telling me to deal with the manufacturer or find them in court. I know, sounds like some serious horseshit, welcome to FedEx; hands down the worst delivery service in the States.

Fast forward a few days (around Friday the 12th), I have given up working with FedEx for now and have completely given up any hope of getting my monitor, now I just want my money back which I thought would be easier. Nope. I have called both of the following numbers, 1 (866) 695-2237 (Acer) and 1-844-433-8476 (Acer Recertified), multiple times over the last 3 weeks and it seems every representative I talk to wants me to deal with FedEx about this issue, which I can understand, or they inform me to post here, which I am finally doing. I have gotten 2 different representatives to attempt a refund and both of those calls "disconnected" within ~30 seconds of them agreeing to go through with the refund. I'm not sure if it was a mistake on their side where they realized they couldn't do it and, rather than explain, just cut the call or if God thinks this is funny but I am no longer laughing (I did burst into hysterical laughter/crying after the second time getting dropped (3hr call)).

To any brave soul that has made it through this garbage bin of text, please let me know if there are any additional lines of communication I can open with Acer (or FedEx I guess) to help this process. I am very close to just adding this to the amount of money FedEx has stolen from me and moving on with my life. Let me know if anyone has any additional ideas. If any Acer reps see this and want to help please let me know what you need to be able to help and I will get it for you.

Let me know if I am breaking any Community rules and I will clean up the post and resubmit with a more barebones take.

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

  • Hlallu
    Hlallu Member Posts: 4 New User
    edited April 2019 Answer ✓
    UPDATE: I got my money and here are my final feelings regarding this

    To anyone that is going through this issue, please be open minded and understanding towards the manufacturer/vendor. Understand your issue isn't with them, it's with FedEx. Also, be respectful when communicating with people. Even an angry email will make you feel childish when the person contacts you and is genuinely nice and trying to help.

    Here is some basic information to those going through this issue:

    The cause: FedEx drivers can only effectively steal your packages if they are labelled "No Signature Required" so if you know you have a less expensive package and it doesn't need a signature make sure you are home and, personal recommendation, maybe even go outside and wave down the FedEx driver so you can personally accept/watch the package.

    The frustration: Honestly, don't even bother with FedEx support after the first hour. If the first 2 people you talk to can't help they will NEVER help you with this issue. Just constantly transferring you, dropping calls, and "calling you back in a minute after checking with ____" (never happens by the way). Also, I have found going in person to deal with FedEx employees just makes me upset because no one can ever help and every person you meet will look/feel genuinely disappointed because there is nothing they can do.

    The solution: FINALLY! We got there friends. We finally got our money back after 28 days of almost daily involvement with this. The question is what it took. Turns out, as long as FedEx claims it as delivered and there wasn't a needed signature A-R couldn't help at all but when I got to talk to one of their very nice managers I was recommended, from their personal experience with FedEx, to file a complaint with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and a police report. Turns out all it takes is a police report with video evidence attached to a BBB complaint and FedEx is eager to please. I have never had a FedEx support agent call me in response to one of my issues (that is a nauseatingly upsetting fact for how many times I've been promised a call) but less than an hour after I posted my complaint with the BBB I received a phone call which arranged for me to get my money back. The rep I talked to was very pushy about getting the complaint removed or at least "delisted" (I'm not even sure how to do that) but unless I am forced it will stay up for anyone who might suffer this in the future.

    The final note: To just bring everything together real quick; don't spend more than 2 hours on phone with FedEx support, don't bother trying to negotiate or explain your issue (they don't care), don't even really bother with the vendor in most of these cases (unless it's Amazon. Amazon is really good about refunds. They also don't really ship with FedEx often. Maybe ever? Coincidence??? Probably not). Get confirmation that the shipper can't do anything thne move onto FedEx, the actual problem. The first thing I would do, assuming you can prove it was never delivered, is file a police report. Mine ended up not getting filed for almost 3 weeks after the incident which made things harder than it should've been. The officer I spoke with regarding this mentioned that it isn't uncommon if that makes anyone less nervous about it. If you don't have definitive proof that it was never delivered and that FedEx is straight up stealing from you I would look into a BBB complaint. That seemed to at least get their attention pretty quick. I wish I could offer more advice after this like "Talk to this person and everything will be fine" but I don't think that person exists. I think FedEx has spent decades building up an infrastructure designed to make people give up on their issues. Doesn't matter how bad your support policies are if you can't have any complaints filed against you since your system doesn't allow the customer any voice/control in the process.

    The warning: I am not lawyer, police officer or anything of the sort. I'm not even that confident I understand how this whole solution worked out. This is just my personal experience and the beliefs I've made through them.

    Let me know if anyone else has any specific questions about this issue and I'd be glad to fill in any blanks I might have missed.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,663 Trailblazer
    Acer and Acer Recertified are different companies, though the obviously have agreements between each other or else A-R wouldn't have any stock. :) This certainly sounds like a Fed-Ex problem. Having said that I think it's up to A-R to put in a claim with the shipper, unless they have some sort of signed delivery notice. Is there a chance that someone else in your building would have light fingered it between the delivery and your next check?
    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • simeongg
    simeongg Member Posts: 4 New User
    You should stress FEDex. I mean, if they can't provide you with delivery document, that is signed by someone for delivery, not just one sided state for delivery by FEDex, you should go to talk in their office, not telephone, face to face directly. It's all about what they provide for delivery, first who will take hit for this will be delivery guy, after that is FEDex in core. 
  • Hlallu
    Hlallu Member Posts: 4 New User
    simeongg said:
    You should stress FEDex. I mean, if they can't provide you with delivery document, that is signed by someone for delivery, not just one sided state for delivery by FEDex, you should go to talk in their office, not telephone, face to face directly.
    They sent me an email and a letter with "Proof of Delivery" on the top but the package was shipped without a need for signature (apparently. That is what the proof of delivery says). I have gone into my local FedEx shop and was told they couldn't help since the package wasn't ever in their building and they didn't handle delivery issues (pickup location). I then drove about 40 minutes over to their nearest distribution center (it was the only FedEx location listed with 2 hours of me). It had this big-***** fence around it and security personal at the entrance so I spent about 20 minutes walking around the gate trying to get anyone's attention before one of the security guards bothered to tell me the distribution center was a private lot and I couldn't go in. He was actually pretty chill and explained that he sees people come to the building a few times a week to complain/look for packages and in 2 years he had never seen anyone actually get in to talk to someone. Then when I explained why I was there he told me to contact FedEx support via phone because that would be my best luck :(
    It's all about what they provide for delivery, first who will take hit for this will be delivery guy, after that is FEDex in core.
    I couldn't agree more and it is all the more reason I just want my money back and to never deal with this *****-storm of a "delivery service" again.
  • Hlallu
    Hlallu Member Posts: 4 New User
    edited April 2019
    billsey said:
    Acer and Acer Recertified are different companies, though the obviously have agreements between each other or else A-R wouldn't have any stock. :) This certainly sounds like a Fed-Ex problem.
    I appreciate the response, I understand that Acer support can't really help me in the way I'd like. That is one of the reasons they recommended I try the forums hoping someone else had similar experiences with additional ideas. It is 100%, without argument, a FedEx problem.
    Having said that I think it's up to A-R to put in a claim with the shipper, unless they have some sort of signed delivery notice.
    I have received some additional contact information for Recertified from one of Moderators and I will be working at it as soon as I get a free moment. I will check to figure out what the process would be for them to put a claim in with FedEx
    Is there a chance that someone else in your building would have light fingered it between the delivery and your next check?
    The package was shipped with a note/parameter that said it didn't need to be signed for on delivery so I originally thought that was what happened. Until I looked at the security footage for our building and noted that a FedEx driver at no point came into, or directly in front of, the building.
  • Hlallu
    Hlallu Member Posts: 4 New User
    edited April 2019 Answer ✓
    UPDATE: I got my money and here are my final feelings regarding this

    To anyone that is going through this issue, please be open minded and understanding towards the manufacturer/vendor. Understand your issue isn't with them, it's with FedEx. Also, be respectful when communicating with people. Even an angry email will make you feel childish when the person contacts you and is genuinely nice and trying to help.

    Here is some basic information to those going through this issue:

    The cause: FedEx drivers can only effectively steal your packages if they are labelled "No Signature Required" so if you know you have a less expensive package and it doesn't need a signature make sure you are home and, personal recommendation, maybe even go outside and wave down the FedEx driver so you can personally accept/watch the package.

    The frustration: Honestly, don't even bother with FedEx support after the first hour. If the first 2 people you talk to can't help they will NEVER help you with this issue. Just constantly transferring you, dropping calls, and "calling you back in a minute after checking with ____" (never happens by the way). Also, I have found going in person to deal with FedEx employees just makes me upset because no one can ever help and every person you meet will look/feel genuinely disappointed because there is nothing they can do.

    The solution: FINALLY! We got there friends. We finally got our money back after 28 days of almost daily involvement with this. The question is what it took. Turns out, as long as FedEx claims it as delivered and there wasn't a needed signature A-R couldn't help at all but when I got to talk to one of their very nice managers I was recommended, from their personal experience with FedEx, to file a complaint with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and a police report. Turns out all it takes is a police report with video evidence attached to a BBB complaint and FedEx is eager to please. I have never had a FedEx support agent call me in response to one of my issues (that is a nauseatingly upsetting fact for how many times I've been promised a call) but less than an hour after I posted my complaint with the BBB I received a phone call which arranged for me to get my money back. The rep I talked to was very pushy about getting the complaint removed or at least "delisted" (I'm not even sure how to do that) but unless I am forced it will stay up for anyone who might suffer this in the future.

    The final note: To just bring everything together real quick; don't spend more than 2 hours on phone with FedEx support, don't bother trying to negotiate or explain your issue (they don't care), don't even really bother with the vendor in most of these cases (unless it's Amazon. Amazon is really good about refunds. They also don't really ship with FedEx often. Maybe ever? Coincidence??? Probably not). Get confirmation that the shipper can't do anything thne move onto FedEx, the actual problem. The first thing I would do, assuming you can prove it was never delivered, is file a police report. Mine ended up not getting filed for almost 3 weeks after the incident which made things harder than it should've been. The officer I spoke with regarding this mentioned that it isn't uncommon if that makes anyone less nervous about it. If you don't have definitive proof that it was never delivered and that FedEx is straight up stealing from you I would look into a BBB complaint. That seemed to at least get their attention pretty quick. I wish I could offer more advice after this like "Talk to this person and everything will be fine" but I don't think that person exists. I think FedEx has spent decades building up an infrastructure designed to make people give up on their issues. Doesn't matter how bad your support policies are if you can't have any complaints filed against you since your system doesn't allow the customer any voice/control in the process.

    The warning: I am not lawyer, police officer or anything of the sort. I'm not even that confident I understand how this whole solution worked out. This is just my personal experience and the beliefs I've made through them.

    Let me know if anyone else has any specific questions about this issue and I'd be glad to fill in any blanks I might have missed.