Looking for the latest, up to date driver for a Intel 520 video "card"

Westkane410 Member Posts: 12


edited September 2023 in 2019 Archives
It is for a ACER Aspire E5-574G, SN NXG2XAA00260711CF57600, SNID 60707294976.  The PC has an Intel i7-6500U    2.5GHz with boost up to 3.1GHz  Chip, NVIDIA GEForce 940M  with 4 GB VRAM, 8GB DDR3 L RAM, 1 TB HDD.  On board is a Intel 520 video card.   This Aspire E 15    E5-574G-71WB has been slowing down, taking longer to boot,and something happened a month or so that caused it not to let me print.  I looked at everything, ran the printer Troubleshooter, checked spooler,etc.  I tried everything to get it to  print to a wireless Canon MG3520, and each time I would get an error saying the printer is not responding. I could print from other laptops,a tablet, and a desktop with no issue. So last week I gave up and did a Win 10 reset.  That fixed the printer issue, but just a couple of days ago, I noticed the screen occasionally flickering, using a HDMI cable, I hooked it up to our television,and the flickering also occurred on the television.  I don't know what is causing this, so I am asking you folks, the experts what you think may be going on,and what I may be able to do to correct this issue.  First, I would like to be sure that I have the correct and most up to date driver for this Acer with an Intel 520 video card.Apparently Acer does not use a "out of the box" driver as Intel mentioned that downloading a driver from their site would probably not function correctly because of the tweaking to the video hardware that Acer must do. So with that being said I am hoping someone can give me a link to the appropriate driver to see if this may solve the issue.  As a side note, the flickering did not start right after the Windows 10 Home version reset, it didn't start until about 5 days ago.  I  am hoping that someone out there can provide me with some insight, direction as to what may be the problem. I would appreciate your thoughts, ideas on this issue and what I may be able to do to rectify it.  Thank you in advance for your assistance in helping me with this situation.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Go to this link for downloading and trying the latest Intel VGA driver update. https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/6306?b=1   Strongly resist the temptation to install all the other updates. Especially the BIOS updates as they should only be used as a last resort due to the increased risk of totally bricking the machine. Jack E/NJ

    PS: Please don't post multiple threads on the same issue as it will only slow up and potentially confuse responses

    Jack E/NJ

  • Westkane410
    Westkane410 Member Posts: 12


      JackE      I did as you suggested, I have not been on the machine very much lately, but the flicker is more of a screen blinking for a microsecond.  Sort of like blinking your eye, the screen blinks maybe just a little longer than the blink of an eye, and it seems to be fairly consistant.  It blinks about once every  minute.  It''s not like a flickering screen on an old TV antenna, its just a quick blink (where I assume the screen goes haywire, but Its so quick, I cant say if it goes blank, or what, it's a blink that "lasts" as long as the the blink of an eye,  just a microsecond, but it is long enough to be noticed and occurs about every 60 seconds, give or take 15 seconds, but it is a fairly regular time frame).  Thank you for your assistance with this so far, I hope this additional information provides you with additional information as to what my issue is with this Laptop.  Is it possible to disable the 520 and use just the Nvidia Card?  I understand that the Intel is for the more day to day video requirements and the Nvidia is for heavier duty video requirements.   But  to be truthful, the blink is just that, a blink, other than being anoyying, it isnt really disrupting daily video use, its just noticeable, so it may not be an issue that needs some sort of repair or fix, I can't say.  Thank you again for helping me understand what may be my issue and what to do about it.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated.  If anyone else has any input on this issue, please, let us know what you may think the issue and possible fix may be.  With kids in college I am praying that it isnt a defective Intel 520, but if it is, Can they be replaced?  And is there a way to check/tell that the 520 IS truly defective and it isnt related to software/hardware?  I cant really afford a new laptop with kids in college and us being a one income family, thus my questioning about what you all may think.  Thanks
  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Both graphic adapters, the CPU integrated and the discrete nvidia chip, are soldered to the mainboard and not replaceable.  The fact that you see the flicker on the HDMIed TV screen suggests the integrated graphics is involved. Since the flickering started about Mar 16th I suggest opening Control Panel and search 'restore point'. Click on 'create a restore point' from the left pane. Click 'system restore' button. Click 'next'. Select a restore point that might've been automtically created with a datestamp around Mar 16th to see if that resolves this issue. If not, perhaps the best way to rule in or rule out a hardware issue a full factory Windows system reset using the Alt + F10 cold boot method as shown in the video below. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Westkane410
    Westkane410 Member Posts: 12


    Jack, I had tried doing a system restore prior the date and it would not complete, or do the restore.  That is part of the reason I knew that I would probably have to do a windows reset.  I also noticed that there should have been more restore points to choose from.  I set plenty of memory aside for Restore Points, yet there were just a couple.  I tried 2 different times to do a restore before getting onto the Acer Forum.  The Laptop would say it was in the process of restoring (or whatever the verbiage was), 2 + hours,later, nothing changed.  I had to shut it down, I tried a second time,same thing.  I also tried to fix some things using a program called Tweaking Windows Pro, Tweaking.com, it has helped in the past, but not this time.  I knew it was time for a reset.  I git the printer to work, all was good except this odd flickering.
        OK here is the really odd part, but so far, it seems to have made a difference.  I normally use Chrome for a browser, and its the browser I have had the flickering with.  A couple of days ago I started added software, and at initial boot up, Win 10 comes up with a background and asks "do you like this?" I typed yes because it was a picture of a wildlife reserve in Kenya, it brought up a webpage of thumbnails of places in Kenya (my niece is in Kenya on a mission for 4 more months, she got back in November 2018 after spending 2 years in upper Uganda with African Inland Mission living with the IK tribe) so I was interested, I don't use MS Edge for a browser, but that's what booted up and took me to the thumbnails of Kenya.  So it used Bing as the search engine, and Edge as the browser, and for over an hour I looked at full size pictures in Edge, and did not notice a single flicker, I looked at some other web sites, using Edge, no Flicker.  So today, I decide I am going to use Edge for a browser, but before I did, I booted up and went to Yahoo.com my home page that I used in the Chrome Browser.  Reading news on Yayoo.com and the page would flicker, like before.  I shut down, reboot, default the browser to Edge, set the home page to Yahoo.com,  and GUESS WHAT?  No flicker.  I start moving my favorites over to Edge, went to different sites, and not once did it flicker.  I don't know what and why, but I guess I am sticking with Edge.  Any Ideas??   Bruce West

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    Westkane410>>>I normally use Chrome for a browser>>>Any Ideas??  >>>

    I don't like Edge, Chrome or even IExplore anymore. I use FireFox in both Windows & Linux. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • Westkane410
    Westkane410 Member Posts: 12


    Hey folks, thanks for your assistance I shall look into the above link tomorrow.  Curiously I have not used Edge much yet, BUT I was on Chewy.com ordering dogfood and I noticed in the notification column about blocking Edge Graphics Hardware.   
    ANY idea what this means, and what I should do?  I didn't see where I could do anything in Settings:   Jack E, any thought about the above link?  I just remember that I could do an update because ACER had tweaked a driver so that generic Intel Drivers would FUBAR.  HOWEVER  this was a while ago  months ago.  The flicker still occurred after the ACER VGA update we discussed above.  It seems that there is still an issue, but I could not notice anything so far, other than the Notification.  Is there any way that I we can figure out why MicrosoftEdgeC  has been blocked.  I have no idea what Application MicrosoftEdgeC is or does and what why it would be blocked, or accessing Graphics Hardware.  Its 9:30and have not seen it since I am so strung out over this now.  Any and all assistance/ideas/procedures/software regarding this would be greatly appreaciated.  

    I wish I could remember what intel I tried.  Thank you GREATLY in advance for your help.  I wonder if this notification gives any of you PC Wizards any further thoughts.  

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,221 Trailblazer
    >>>Jack E, any thought about the above link? >>>

    Used Chewy for cat treats. Never any notifications. But I use FireFox for all my cat treat needs. 8^) Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ