Video gets bugged and problematic [Aspire A515-41G]

Charada Member Posts: 7 New User
edited September 2023 in 2019 Archives
Desde que comprei esse notebook, (a 3 meses) eu sofro com esse problema constantemente, de princípio, achei que fosse por conta que os drivers não estavam atualizados, e que se resolveria com uma próxima atualização da placa de vídeo, porém, já atualizei e nada de melhor aconteceu. 
Também pensei que pudesse ser algum tipo de problema com o sistema operacional, formatei o computador e atualizei todos os drivers e o Windows update e nada. 
Começo a achar que o problema pode ser físico na placa de video, alguém pode ajudar?

Since I bought this notebook, (3 months) I suffer from this problem constantly, in principle, I thought it was because the drivers were not updated, and that would solve with a next update of the video card, however, I have already updated and nothing better happened. I also thought it might be some kind of problem with the operating system, I formatted the computer and updated all the drivers and the Windows update and nothing. I begin to think that the problem may be physical on the video card, can anyone help?

[Post edited as the member posted in Portuguese language -Acer-Harvey]

Após atualizar a página, as vezes, o problema é resolvido. Algumas vezes, adiantar e voltar o vídeo ou mudar a resolução funciona, mas o problema volta.

O mesmo problema acontece com jogos, a imagem fica pixelada e as vezes volta e as vezes só reiniciando.

After refreshing the page, sometimes the problem is resolved. Sometimes, forward and back the video or change the resolution works, but the problem comes back.

The same problem happens with games, the image gets pixelated and sometimes comes back and sometimes just restarting.

[Post edited as the member posted in Portuguese language -Acer-Harvey]


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Good night Charada !

    This forum is in English.
    Please post your post in english.

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    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

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    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

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