Is the AMD Athlon 200GE compatible with the Gigabyte GA-A320M-S2H motherboard?

GizmoPC Member Posts: 4 New User
edited April 2024 in 2019 Archives
I was watching a video to a "300 dollar Gaming PC" build, and they used the Gigabyte GA-S320M-S2H motherboard with the AMD Athlon. However, when I compiled all of the parts using PC Parts Picker, it had a warning that the Athlon might not be compatible with the motherboard. I just wanted to check here and make sure that they were compatible like the video said, even though PC Parts Picker said that they were incompatible. 

Best Answer

  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    Good night GizmoPC !

    I really do not understand your doubts since here is an open collaborative forum for Acer users and enthusiasts.
    What component or hardware is Acer using?
    What exact molding of Athlon?

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    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

    If my answer was helpful, leave a Like, flag as Fixed and click Promote!
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    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

    For users of the English, Spanish, French and German Community, I will be using Google Translate!


  • MaClane
    MaClane ACE Posts: 35,598 Trailblazer
    Answer ✓
    Good night GizmoPC !

    I really do not understand your doubts since here is an open collaborative forum for Acer users and enthusiasts.
    What component or hardware is Acer using?
    What exact molding of Athlon?

    Se minha resposta foi útil, deixe um Curtir, marque como Solucionado e clique em Promover!
    Caso contrario, fico a disposição para tentarmos sanar suas duvidas e resolver seus problemas!
    Atenciosamente:  J. MaClane™

    If my answer was helpful, leave a Like, flag as Fixed and click Promote!
    Otherwise, I am willing to try to heal your doubts and solve your problems!
    Sincerely, J. MaClane ™

    For users of the English, Spanish, French and German Community, I will be using Google Translate!
  • GizmoPC
    GizmoPC Member Posts: 4 New User
    I honestly don't know why I doubted the video in the first place. I guess my question was superfluous and never needed to be asked in the first place. Oh well.