Windows on Acer Predator HELIOS 300 PH317-52

DurableRubber Member Posts: 3 New User
edited November 2023 in 2019 Archives
Hello there.

I was wondering if it is possible to install any other windows on my predator besides windows 10?
I recently bought this laptop and I already hate it's windows 10. It causes various problems starting from the microphone/sound settings for different applications and ending with gaming issues and the Windows 10 is really complicated in general (in my opinion).
First thing is first - My HDD is at 100% activity most of the time when any app is being launched. Some Games stutter and lag for no reason, even though performance wise - they should run just fine. My brand new predator boots up like 5-10 minutes until It is ready for action.
There are plenty of things that I have had problems with because of Windows 10, that's why I want to get rid of it.
I have tried every possible solution there is on the internet to fix my problems and slow performance, I have been wasting days of doing re-search and trying out all the methods that I could find to improve the performance of my machine, but no luck. I am confident that the cause of all of my issues is WINDOWS freaking 10. A lot of people have have fixed the very same issues I have just by installing any older windows than 10, but they do Have different machines that have no issues with getting drivers for them. As far as I have understood - my predator does not support anything else but Windows 10, which Is the issue for all of my troubles.

So the question is - Has anyone ever done that successfully? With all the drivers and stuff required for a computer to run smoothly.


  • xapim
    xapim ACE Posts: 7,253 Pathfinder
    edited February 2019
    @DurableRubber you can install windows 7 but its a bit of a nightmare not for unexperience users as win7 works with boot mbr and 8 to 10 with uefi gpt you would have to enable legacy also sata ahci mode and disable secure boot (but bare in mind that the bios on newer models do not even have legacy mode option anymore it was completely removed to make it work on win10 only so that makes it impossible to downgrade) i tried it on mine but i just got blue screen on start installation i left it because i don't have neiter time or patience for it now but i will manage to do in in future also its not garanteed that all the windows 10 drivers would work properly on windows 7 because there aren't drivers for 7 and yes there are threads here about sucessfully installing windows 7 an linux @sri369 can explain this better as he has win7 on his H300 you can also use the classic shell to get the classic win7 start menu as i did on mine as i hate windows 10 shell and bare in mind windows 10 needs to be optimized and if you have thermal throttling you need to also undervolt/repaste you are free to join H300 group on fb ckeck my signature the admin @Red-Sand just launched a bare bone windows 10 version without all the bloatware just made exclusively for gaming (really fast) your free to also give it a try but make sure you clone you drive first as a fresh install will delete everything even the acer system recovery partition

    UserBenchmarks: Game 43%, Desk 61%, Work 40%
    CPU: Intel Core i5-7300HQ - 63.5%
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050-Ti (Mobile) - 41.9%
    SSD: WDC WDS200T2B0B-00YS70 2TB - 71.4%
    HDD: WD WD10SPZX-00HKTT0 1TB - 93.7%
    RAM: Kingston HyperX DDR4 2666 C15 2x16GB - 76.8%
    MBD: Acer Predator G3-572

    I'm not an Acer employee. (just here to help in the best way i can)
    If my answer fixed you issue please accept it for any other users who search for it would find it quickly thanks :)
    If you want to learn more about undervolting/optimizing windows join the Predator fb group and youtube channel:

    Owner/Admin (HOTEL HERO/Red-Sand/Opoka Opoka)
    Acer support:  

  • DurableRubber
    DurableRubber Member Posts: 3 New User
    @xapim Thank you for the fast reply. I'll check the facebook group to do a research on this "bare bone" windows 10 and, as I think, since the predator requires windows 10, I will try to do the same. If that does not help, i'll reach out for sri369 to get some guidance on the Windows 7 matter. Hopefully, one way or another, I'll fix my machine.
  • sri369
    sri369 ACE Posts: 2,873 Pathfinder

    I have Windows 7 on my G3-572 and its been on since September 2018 - and going strong. I made two threads - one here and one in generic windows 7 forums on Acer on how to get this done - most of the hard work on getting advanced touch pad features working and such are already taken care of for folks who want to do it :-)
    Check the links in my signature on benchmark results :-) and my G3-572 pretty much never goes beyond low 70s even under extreme gaming for extended periods.
    LIKE - if helpful
    ACCEPT - if helped resolve
  • DurableRubber
    DurableRubber Member Posts: 3 New User

    Great to hear that you've managed to do it and even better - found a way for others to do it. Thank you very much for the time you've invested in making it happen. As soon as I fix my machine - I will report on how it went. Thank you all for your help!