PC Stopped Working? ATC-220-EB51

Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


edited March 2024 in 2019 Archives
I shut down my PC via the power button went to turn it back on now it doesnt work, the PC functions but there is no display and no outside indication that the PC is on (power light) Not sure what to do, I've tried removing the ram and waiting and putting it in a new slot. Any help appreciated.
Acer Aspire T


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer
    How do you know the PC functions if the display doesn't come on? Double check to verify the power cord is fully seated, sometimes they get partially pulled out and it's not obvious that it's not plugged in. Put the memory back in the original slot and try to turn it on. Does the fan on the power supply turn on? How about the one on the CPU?
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  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    billsey said:
    How do you know the PC functions if the display doesn't come on? Double check to verify the power cord is fully seated, sometimes they get partially pulled out and it's not obvious that it's not plugged in. Put the memory back in the original slot and try to turn it on. Does the fan on the power supply turn on? How about the one on the CPU?
    I know it's not the power cord, I've already put the ram in it's original slot. Both of the fans are working. I'm not sure what's wrong.
  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    billsey said:
    How do you know the PC functions if the display doesn't come on? Double check to verify the power cord is fully seated, sometimes they get partially pulled out and it's not obvious that it's not plugged in. Put the memory back in the original slot and try to turn it on. Does the fan on the power supply turn on? How about the one on the CPU?
    I know it's not the cord, the memory is back in it's original slot. Both of the fans are working I'm not sure what's wrong.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer
    Do you get any beep codes while it's trying to boot? You may just be seeing a display problem, where the PC boots but doesn't show anything on the screen. Do you see anything during POST? Double check the video cable to make it's plugged into the right ports and fully seated.
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  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    billsey said:
    Do you get any beep codes while it's trying to boot? You may just be seeing a display problem, where the PC boots but doesn't show anything on the screen. Do you see anything during POST? Double check the video cable to make it's plugged into the right ports and fully seated.
    No beep codes, the PC seems to start up normally then something happens and the fans start going crazy. And yes all the cords are correctly placed
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer
    Fans going crazy leads to the computer thinking it's too hot, which could be a fan that's not working, a corrupted BIOS setting or a bad sensor. Do you have a GPU card in there? Try removing it and connecting to the onboard video. If we can get the BIOS to display then we'll have somewhere to go.
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  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    edited January 2019
    I'm not too tech savvy but I'm pretty sure this PC doesnt have a gpu. Just in case can you describe where I can find it or what it would look like? And if I do have one how to do what you asked.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer
    If you have a graphics card, it'll give some video ports in an expansion slot rather than the ones on the motherboard.
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  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    edited January 2019
    The video ports I have are connected to the motherboard so I guess the gpu is integrated, is there still a way to do what you said with an integrated gpu?
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer
    Not really, I was hoping the video card was having problems, so we could switch to the motherboard for diagnostics. It seems to be failing in POST before it brings the display up and since it's not giving any beep codes it's not a failure that we'll be able to diagnose easily. Disconnect everything except the keyboard mouse and monitor to make sure there's nothing else interfering with the boot. Which video port are you connecting to? Is there another we can try?
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  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    Same result with keyboard and mouse plugged in, I use a TV as a monitor connected via HDMI. The PC only has one HDMI port.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer
    Is there any chance the TV is not automatically switching the source? Can you force it to the HDMI port that's connected to the computer?
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  • Imgood453
    Imgood453 Member Posts: 13


    The TV is set to the right HDMI so I doubt its that. This TV has worked for me for over 2 years.
  • Manny-Acer_Retired
    Manny-Acer_Retired Newbie Posts: 4,453 Guru
    Hi Imgood453,

    We recommend you contacting your local Acer support center for better assistance (have the unit setup for repair).

    Support:  https://www.acer.com/ac/en/CA/content/service-contact
    Chat with an Agent: https://us.answers.acer.com/app/chat/chat_launch#_ga=2.50310758.1348596976.1549033754-1045363774.1531752932 
